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Health Insurance for SO and Children without SSN

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Hi, I know many of you have or will bring your SO and the accompanying children to this country, which has very high medical costs. Can you enroll them in your employer's medical insurance program without social security numbers? Or do you have to wait several weeks or several months to get a social security number before enrolling them for coverage? My company is approaching the annual enrolment period. I am trying to get them enrolled in my company's medical insurance coverage even before they arrive here. I placed a call with my company's human resource department and they will get back to me next week regarding SSN requirement.

I heard a story that a Chinese child arrived in the U.S. with his/her parent and got high fever immediately after they got off the airplane. The child was rushed to the emergency room and stayed there for 3 days. And the medical bill was close to $10,000.

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In our case she arrived with appendicitis and had emergency surgery and 5 days hospital stay. With hind sight I would say get them travelers insurance so they are covered prior to marriage. Most company plans have certain enrollment windows such as within 30 days of marriage. There are several threads on this.

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This has always been a good subject.


You should be able to put them on your medical insurance without any problem depending on what company it is.

I have Anthem BC/BS and all I needed to do was submit a copy of their passport and visa. That was it. I have seen where others have had a harder time with their insurance company but I think that is all that needs to be done since they do not have a SSN or alien registration card yet.

They are your family. The insurance company calls it a qualifying life event, or someting like that.

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Once we're married, I have 30 days to get her added to my policy...


:angry: Hello,,,,, BC/BS,,, Not A Problem. I called and was told all we needed was a copie of our Marriage Certificate and her birth date, Her daughter was easy too, Just her name and birth date, That was all I had to do. 2 days later we went for their Vaccination shots at the local Civil Surgeons Office. All I had to pay was my Co-Pay, BC/BS did cover the visit for both my wife and daughter.


Hope this helps.


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Thank you for all those who have responded my original post.  I just got an email confirmation from the SVP - HR benefits of my employer that I just have to leave SSN field blank as BC/BS does not require SSN for medical coverage.  I am going to enroll both my wife and my son for 2006 coverage though I am not sure when they will arrive in the U.S.  Thank you guys again.


Since you are already married, they may be eligible for benefits now. BC/BS (at least my plan) covers you while overseas. Finding a provider and submitting a claim might be a chalenge though :o

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We are having problems getting medical coverage for her daughter. They added my wife to the policy without a SSN #. They sid just give it to them once we receive the #. But they would not cover step-children. :blink: They cover domestic partners, but unless I had adoption papers they would not add her to the policy. This from a company that is supposed to be one of the top 5 places to work in Hawaii based on a survey of Hawaii Human Resorce Depts. I am now looking for a new job that will cover her.

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