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Long Wait...

Guest ShaQuaNew

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Guest ShaQuaNew

I just spoke with my SO, who has always been upbeat about our eventually being together here in the US. We knew going into the process that there might be delays and were prepared to deal with them. Over the last several weeks I've been very careful not to "telegraph" my own personal disappointment to her regarding our delay. While it's exciting to see others success, it's also heart wrenching to see others moving through the process much more quickly.


I assured her that if something goes awry in our process or that we are denied or forced to endure and extended delay that I will move to China to be with her. That's a rather scary proposition but really nothing more than I'm asking of her to move here. This proposition is becoming more real with each passing day.


We are both happy, but VERY disappointed in this hurtful system. We are GOOD people, in love, and want to be together. Today is just a hard day for us both.

Edited by ShaQuaNew (see edit history)
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Jesse, believe me that I don't want to discourage you more than you are right now, but you need to prepare yourself and your SO for a long wait. The California Serv Center is known for being the slowest, and there are still many more steps ahead in the process. Our case took almost 14 months to be completed, and we were initially processed at Vermont, which is the fastest center, but then we went through an endless second name check that also placed us in the dilemma of looking for the dreaded Plan B (moving to China). Right now you have been in the pipeline for 4 months, you still got a long road to travel and I certainly wish that it will be speed up in some way so that you can finally be with your loved one as soon as possible. But make sure that she doesn't have false expectations as to the time when she will finally have that much expected visa interview. Take care and best of lucks.

Edited by mari (see edit history)
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It will, indeed, take awhile, so best be as patient as possible, although I know it is easier said than done. I remember back in the Black Hole Days, once the pipeline finally started to flow again, it was grossly unfair. Many cases who were after us got processed ahead of us. A very frustrating time for sure.


Hang in there and keep the faith. Eventually your ship will come in.

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Guest ShaQuaNew


thinking of you two and your wait... 


but the truth is, 'wait' is a part of the process. Share all the ups and downs together, but I would just think of it as a ride we are forced to be on which leads to a life together!


be strong!


You got it...., but it seems each time I'm strong my co-workers suggest that I use more deoderant! :huh:


We will be fine...... ;)

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My SO found it easiest to simpy 'no think' about it... ;)


So, our conversations often stayed away from anything that would trigger an emotional recall or response. Often this was hard to do and we would wallow in discussions of how we will be together soon.


Your experience is shared by many... these small battles of the GUZ war !


This reminds me of the saying where we tell someone that they might win the battle but lose the war... this process sometimes seems to make us feel the opposite.


Let the co-workers smell the deodorant.. must mean they are not using enough if they smell someone elses ! :huh:

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thinking of you two and your wait... 


but the truth is, 'wait' is a part of the process.   Share all the ups and downs together, but I would just think of it as a ride we are forced to be on which leads to a life together!


be strong!


You got it...., but it seems each time I'm strong my co-workers suggest that I use more deoderant! :huh:


We will be fine...... ;)


I think one way to alleviate the pain during this long waiting process is for you to travel to China multiple times. So that you can be with your SO and feel better, though this is a costly route. I am flying to China next month, the fourth visit since I left my wife last year.

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Guest ShaQuaNew

Yep, good thought. We rarely talk about it because there is little to say.


Has anyone every made or heard of making a report to the USCIS Directors Office of Internal Audits? I was just on the telephone with them asking why the "temporary" problem that my receipt number could not be accessed had gone on for over a month. She said, well, it's really no big deal it won't affect your case. I calmly replied, but as a taxpayer I would like to see the computer systems I'm paying for work as advertised. She put me on hold for a few minutes and returned saying again, sir, it really does not affect your petition. I again repeated my point. She came back with an address that I could write.

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Guest ShaQuaNew
I think one way to alleviate the pain during this long waiting process is for you to travel to China multiple times.  So that you can be with your SO and feel better, though this is a costly route.  I am flying to China next month, the fourth visit since I left my wife last year.


It would be nice if my boss and vacation allotment were more willing..... ;)

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Guest ShaQuaNew
You two would treasure each other more because of the long wait.


I once said to my mother regarding an out-of-town girlfriend many years ago "Absence makes the heart grow fonder." She quipped "out of sight, out of mind!" :P


Truly, I know for me, and for her both that we have found the 'one' and there is nothing in this world that will change that..... :)

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Our NOA1 to NOA2 was over five months. What I would do when I got frustrated with the process is look at other peoples timelines. There are the occasional quick ones, usually out of Vermont, but the majority are going about the same rate as ours. Then there are the ones that get stuck in "Name Check Hell" for 2-3-4-6 months, then I would see the ones that are put threw total hell, like Alex and Mike to name a few.


By comparison we were doing pretty good.


Don't get discouraged 4 months into the process, save that if it is needed later

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