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Is it as bad as they say?

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Is it as bad as they say?? NOPE!! will you believe it isn't so bad?? NOPE! Should you worry about being able to get the visa? NOPE! Will you worry about it?? YUP!! will you laugh at yourself after it is all over?? Well hell, why ask me? I only know that the rest of us worried until we puked and now we are laughing at ourselves.


It's a tedious process but eventually it ends. Pay close attention to what those that have been through it say--double check to be sure they are correct. Then pull up a chair, get you some Cheeto's and hang around for a while. Most of all--CHILL OUT DUDE--we'll get ya their!


Thanks everyone, I was getting confused reading the other sites.


One more question then on the forms.


I brought blank forms with me to China (Shenzhen) and had her sign them when I was there (she only signed with Chinese characters, not her pinyin/translated name). It is hard to put the information in the blocks, so I used a block underneath it to continue the address information (G325A for residence and place of employment, on the I-129F I kind of squeezed the information in the blocks). Was that a bad thing to do?


I later found the fillable versions of the forms and was going to type the information in and it doesn't come close to fitting. I read that you should add a continuation sheet where this information won't fit. Is this a better idea? I would need to send the G325A back to my SO but I want to get it right and from what I have read it sounds important to get things right.


Thanks again!


Oh, one more thing.


Should I plan my vacation around my SO's interview or other events?


Thank you!


One thing you will learn quickly, there is not much of any way to plan anything. If you desire to be with her for the interview you will want to save some vacation and explain the plan to your boss. Some interviews have been given with as little as 2 weeks notice, others go out to 8, but usually there will be about 30 days notice.


Also, you can target about 9-10 months for the process, if you have the chance you might want to go back for a week or two between now and then. It will help both of your attitudes bunches, if you can go more often life will be sweet.

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