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change of address after receiving p3

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my wife had moved away for 3 months now we forgort to notify the nvc about the move ( very stupid i know but we have both been so busy) so now the hong kong consulate has our case and my wife received her p3 packet so how should we go about telling the consulate about this and will it be hard now that the p3 has been received? my wife is a filipina her work contract expired in hong kong so she wanted to go back to the philippines to visit her family before she came to the U.S being that our case was almost complete she didn't plan on staying with her family for more than a month and she would just go back to Hong kong once she received her p3. again we thought she was going to get the p3 after a month or so of her going back to the philipines so since she was just visiting her parents and didn't really move there we didn't think we would need to do a change of address but it has been 3 months or so and she is planning to go back to hong kong to get the things done there that the p3 asked for. she will be going back there early next week.

and they needed another more recent affidavat of support and on there it asked her current address so know i'm very confused and concerned on what to do. i'm just worried now that this might be a big deal and prolong the process even longer.

so if anyone could help us we would really appreciate it thanks.

Edited by missingher (see edit history)
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Just fax or e-mail her new address to the consulate. You've still got a 4-5 month wait before they send P4, which should be enough time for them to process your address change. :)


Guangzhou is 4 to 5 month wait......I think it is quicker in HongKong :P Check out "adamchildress" timeline much much quicker

Edited by Gene (see edit history)
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if she will be staying at her original address I don't see the necessity, however if she has other address she will be staying at, then you should fire an email off right away.... it shouldn't have much effect.

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If she is planning to live in Hong Kong for the remainder of the visa process there is nothing to do, she was only on a vacation to visit family and you would only submit a local change of address if there is a new one in Hong Kong. This could probably be done by email.


If you submit a change of address to another country it would probably cause the case to be transfered to the US Consulate in that country.

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i'm just worried now that this might be a big deal and prolong the process even longer.

so if anyone could help us we would really appreciate it thanks.


I was about to post a similar question, our P2 is on its way to NVC and my SO just moved too, although she is still in China.

Will a change of address at the NVC prolong their processing? Should it wait until it is sent to Guangzhou? Thank you all for your help ! :lol:

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