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interview question

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As we have a lot of papers, files, etc., to bring to the interview we were wondering if you can bring them all in a normal small bag or if the bag she carries in has to be clear (see through) for security reasons. Thanks, and again a hearty congratulations to all of you who have recently received your visas and good luck to those with approaching interviews.

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I have heard before that you should take in clear bags but as Gene pointed out it wasn't a problem for him. If it isn't too much hassle I would take a clear bag just to eliminate the possibility of any problem. I doubt it is much to worry about though.

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We greatly appreciate the responses. Just to be safe we got a larger clear bag to haul the things in. Of course her interview coincides with the 20th anniversary celebration at the university where I teach in Yantai and the arrival of the new freshmen on campus. My mind is spinning like you wouldn't believe......Thanks again for the help.

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