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gift suggestions ???

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IMHO. For a gift, this one never seems to fail me, and it covers most of the family and friends, the one present that in China is not considered impersonal and is guarateed to put a big smile on their face, MONEY, cold hard cash, given in a small red paper envelope, but of course. Jim

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ok thanks to all the replies - I will compile something like this


- for the mama & papa

American Ginseng too hard to find in the UK so I will go for Deep sea fish oil ( need to take care of rhumatism and joints - freezing cold in Dandong )


- for the sister

Bodyshop will go for this one ( cheap and help economy of poorer country ) .


- for her brother in law ?????? no idea ( will have to look further , completely lost did not talk much with him the last times = language barrier )


- for the nephew , yeah did not think about scrabble excellent idea - he 's 7 years old


- For my special one , will not go towards the lingerie - imagine this we all open the gifts in front of the parents ( maybe will not go down well ) - will settle for perfume she asked me for french perfume but i can not stand it ( brought up in france _ hehehe ) found italian perfume more fun and not overwhelming therefore I will give her the choice ...



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  • 1 year later...

My gifts were simple


For the men - mini Maglite flashlites - Made in the USA.


For the women - Lotions for the Victoria Secrets Garden Collection.


Next trip the gifts will be more specific to the individual.

All chinese women love lancome makeup ect.. Opinion from fiance it is best ones to buy. How ever please note my fiance's mother does not wear any makeup . Not part of that generation maybe.Basketball t-shirts were desired by teenage boys. Looking for US teams.

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