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001 like Chinese traffic patterns

CFL like US traffic patterns.


Both systems work but driving in China scares us. 001 is less regulated like traffic there but it works for them.


Great comparisson. By the time people get to CFL they have probably discovered that Chinese and Americans have different ways of looking at things and doing things.


CFL is an American slant and 001 a Chinese. They both are of value and satisfy different ways of looking at the same issues.


Americans want validation and an answer to how you know and let me see that. Just look at most of the threads on CFL.


Chinese tend to decide if they trust someone then go with what they say. If it doesn't work or doesn't sound right they then check it out or ask someone more trusted.


Different backgrounds satisfied by different methods. To exaggerate this cultural diversity, CFL is mostly male and 001 female. Women's sites tend towards advisory and exchanging stories often that are third or fourth hand while men's sites tend to share where to get information and personal experience. This is not always so but they are trends.


So taking the Mars/Venus thing with the Chinese/American thing along with language you can hardly expect both SOs to have their needs met by the samer board.

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Hi Dave,

I wasn't sure if you were referring to the 001 board or CFL, but I am expressing my thoughts regarding CFL.  I am sure there are many opinions that will be forth-coming on your post, but here is mine.  It is my sincerest belief that everyone here does their level best to give good information regarding questions or concerns.  What sometimes happens is the orginal poster fails to look at the histories available in the FAQ's and other forums where there is a wealth of information that has been compiled from actual experiences and Government supplied sources.   However, one of the most beneficial things I have encountered is the unbelievable support and encouragement that I and countless others have derived from the "family" members here on CFL.  I hope you can have that experience also.....  Best wishes for your interview process and the joining of you and your wife soon.......




Thanks so much for your candor about the CFL board and let me assure you I share your sentiments. Actually, I was asking about the 001.com board. I understand it is solely Chinese speaking so my wife reads it like a good novel. I was just curious if the information given out there is comparable to boards like this one or perhaps VJ. Thanks again.


Dave ;)




Ok, I did notice the header, but your post was not so clear to me, so I gave the cavaey regarding that.. B)


Sorry I really can't provide any first hand knowledge, but I have heard some negative things come from 001, so as your last posts shows, it seems your SO is displaying enough caution to not be taken in easily by someone that may wish to disrupt your plans. I would not recommend putting too much information out about your process on 001 if not comfortable with it. That third-party stuff can really cause problems for someone trying to have a real relationship....


good luck,


Edited by hankhoude (see edit history)
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001 like Chinese traffic patterns

CFL like US traffic patterns.


Both systems work but driving in China scares us. 001 is less regulated like traffic there but it works for them.


the information on 001 is usually accurate since 001, as CFL, has veteran memebers and experienced moderators...and is open to debate if any information is inaccurate...

more importantly, it provides a place of sharing happiness, sadness, disappointment and bewiderment for us poor Chinese ladies who cannot stay with our lovers for one or two years...so, who cares if sometimes the updated info posted is not in bull's eyes??

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001 like Chinese traffic patterns

CFL like US traffic patterns.


Both systems work but driving in China scares us. 001 is less regulated like traffic there but it works for them.


the information on 001 is usually accurate since 001, as CFL, has veteran memebers and experienced moderators...and is open to debate if any information is inaccurate...

more importantly, it provides a place of sharing happiness, sadness, disappointment and bewiderment for us poor Chinese ladies who cannot stay with our lovers for one or two years...so, who cares if sometimes the updated info posted is not in bull's eyes??


Thank you for posting princess. It is helpful for us here to get your point of view and clear up any misunderstandings. Most of what we hear here on CFL about 001 are the bad things like women wanting to know how to get half of a mans assets in a divorce. We don't hear the sharing of support or how you help one another. I presume the opposite is true of 001. You probably hear how so and so said some bad thing about China or Chinese and get offended. Here on CFL the cement that bonds us together is the support we give one another in times of need. Same as 001. I think we have more in common than differences.

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it's good to get another perspective, and a positive one at that... thanks Homeprincess

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Yeah...guys...life is not easy, especially over such a long distance.

That's why 001 ladies are posting like " p3p3p3, fast fast to come" or "p4p4p4 please fall like rains!". Most of Chinese immigrants are already in our 20s-40s, so we are eager to join our life partners in the states, pursue some American education, or have some cute babies, or own our big house, all in all, to start a real life as soon as possilbe.

For you guys, life is still moving on till someone joins you; but for us, life has a dramastic change when we make such a relocation. Think of the feeling if you have to live in the moon for the rest of your life surrounded by aliens(from yor point of view), how will you feel? Don't blame the blablabla talking on 001 too much, there is a lot of stress to bear before, during and after our trip.

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I have often said it takes a tremendous amount of courage for our loved ones to leave everything they know and come here to be with us. I wonder how many of us have that much courage? Thank you for a very insightful post Princess. Keep them coming.

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Yeah...guys...life is not easy, especially over such a long distance.

That's why 001 ladies are posting like " p3p3p3, fast fast to come" or "p4p4p4 please fall like rains!".  Most of Chinese immigrants are already in our 20s-40s, so we are eager to join our life partners in the states, pursue some American education, or have some cute babies, or own our big house, all in all, to start a real life as soon as possilbe. 

For you guys, life is still moving on till someone joins you; but for us, life has a dramastic change when we make such a relocation. Think of the feeling if you have to live in the moon for the rest of your life surrounded by aliens(from yor point of view), how will you feel? Don't blame the blablabla talking on 001 too much, there is a lot of stress to bear before, during and after our trip.


Very Well Said..

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