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From a forum in Asia Times:



Exoticism, the thirst of the white male to discover and possess nature in its primal state, and native women have been the primary marker and object of desire of this obsession, and the abjection he experiences when he cannot find it.


So, what do you think? Are we victims of Exoticism?

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The "white male" and exoticism go back to colonialism. It is probably just a general refernence to all of us here at CFL today who are exoticist. LOL


Here's something else that I picked up from the Asian Times forum:

* * * *

Here in the U.S. I see enough mixed couples in which the man is white and the woman is Asian to suspect that Asian immigration might be having an impact on sexual relations. The beneficiaries are white men, especially the types of white men that Asian women seem to like: educated, introverted, and with stable careers (often in IT).


One survey showed 20% of Asian women prefer to date white men.


Asian men are hurt the most by interracial dating. Very few white women are interested in dating Asian men, and with 20% of Asian women not interested in them either, many Asian men in the United States are doomed to bachelorhood.


White women tend to see men with Asian girlfriends or wives as failures who couldn't cut the mustard with a white woman.


* * * *

Edited by Dennis143 (see edit history)
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and, still more fodder:


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American men like Asian women because

i) they look younger than their real age,

ii) they perceive them as being demure, chaste, and obedient,

iii) the skin, hair, and features are exotic. I would credit these perceptions as being a stronger cause of the sexual desirability of Asian women (if any, and beyond the basic fact that they are women.)


Finally, Asian women *tend* to be shorter and smaller-framed. Very recognizably female (or non-male, at least.) I'd say that most heterosexual men are attracted to someone who is recognizably female over someone who is of ambiguous appearance.)

* * * *

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The "white male" and exoticism go back to colonialism.  It is probably just a general refernence to all of us here at CFL today who are exoticist. LOL


Here's something else that I picked up from the Asian Times forum:

*  *  *  *

Here in the U.S. I see enough mixed couples in which the man is white and the woman is Asian to suspect that Asian immigration might be having an impact on sexual relations. The beneficiaries are white men, especially the types of white men that Asian women seem to like: educated, introverted, and with stable careers (often in IT).


One survey showed 20% of Asian women prefer to date white men.


Asian men are hurt the most by interracial dating. Very few white women are interested in dating Asian men, and with 20% of Asian women not interested in them either, many Asian men in the United States are doomed to bachelorhood.


White women tend to see men with Asian girlfriends or wives as failures who couldn't cut the mustard with a white woman.


*  *  *  *




I think that the Asian men are interested only in younger, un-divorced Asian women.


The supply of these is declining, not only because of the women's interest in Western men, but because of their parents' interest in Asian male babies.

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I have also been told this by my many Chinese pen-pals. They tell me that it is not uncommon that when a Chinese man becomes successful, he will often move on to a younger woman of child bearing age. Even though China still has a one-child per family law, if you have enough money, you can pay the Gov't to have more. This seems to be just another reason that many Chinese woman seem to harbor resentment towards Chinese men.

Edited by Dennis143 (see edit history)
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I have also been told this by my many Chinese pen-pals.  They tell me that it is not uncommon that when a Chinese man becomes successful, he will often move on to a younger woman of child bearing age.  Even though China still has a one-child per family law, if you have enough money, you can pay the Gov't to have more.  This seems to be just another reason that many Chinese woman seem to harbor resentment towards Chinese men.


Sounds like they have a good plan to me :lol:

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I have also been told this by my many Chinese pen-pals.  They tell me that it is not uncommon that when a Chinese man becomes successful, he will often move on to a younger woman of child bearing age.  Even though China still has a one-child per family law, if you have enough money, you can pay the Gov't to have more.  This seems to be just another reason that many Chinese woman seem to harbor resentment towards Chinese men.


Sounds like they have a good plan to me :lol:


Yep, has worked out extremely well for me, in fact for many of us on this site.


Perhaps we should send them a Thank You card. :wub:

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I have also been told this by my many Chinese pen-pals.  They tell me that it is not uncommon that when a Chinese man becomes successful, he will often move on to a younger woman of child bearing age.  Even though China still has a one-child per family law, if you have enough money, you can pay the Gov't to have more.  This seems to be just another reason that many Chinese woman seem to harbor resentment towards Chinese men.


Sounds like they have a good plan to me :lol:


Yep, has worked out extremely well for me, in fact for many of us on this site.


Perhaps we should send them a Thank You card. :wub:


I was thinking the same thing. Thank you, thank you, ...... and by the way thank you!!!!!!

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This seems to be just another reason that many Chinese woman seem to harbor resentment towards Chinese men.


Seems to be a 'resentment' circle:


What I have heard, Asian woman are resentful toward the men for their attitudes and behavior, so seek foreign men. Chinese men are resentful towards the ever dwindling number of available chinese woman going to foreign men...

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This seems to be just another reason that many Chinese woman seem to harbor resentment towards Chinese men.


Seems to be a 'resentment' circle:


What I have heard, Asian woman are resentful toward the men for their attitudes and behavior, so seek foreign men. Chinese men are resentful towards the ever dwindling number of available chinese woman going to foreign men...


Yea, I have heard that more are changing to men..

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I have also been told this by my many Chinese pen-pals.  They tell me that it is not uncommon that when a Chinese man becomes successful, he will often move on to a younger woman of child bearing age.  Even though China still has a one-child per family law, if you have enough money, you can pay the Gov't to have more.  This seems to be just another reason that many Chinese woman seem to harbor resentment towards Chinese men.


Sounds like they have a good plan to me :lol:


Yep, has worked out extremely well for me, in fact for many of us on this site.


Perhaps we should send them a Thank You card. :wub:


I was thinking the same thing. Thank you, thank you, ...... and by the way thank you!!!!!!


Its like a Christmas Carol or perhaps Scrooge(the musical)...



Ladies and gentlemen

On behalf of all the people who have assembled here

I would merely like to mention if I may

That our unanimous attitude

Is one of lasting gratitude

For what our friend has done for us today

And therefore I would simply like to say


Thank you very much!

Thank you very much!

That's the nicest thing that anyone's ever done for me

I may sound Double-Dutch

But my delight is such

I feel as if a losing war's been won for me


And if I had a flag I'd hang my flag out

To add a sort of final victory touch

But since I left my flag at home

I'll simply have to say

Thank you very, very, very much!

Thank you very, very, very much!


Thank you very much!

Thank you very much!

That's the nicest thing that anyone's ever done for me

It sounds a bit bizarre

But things the way they are

I feel as if another life's begun for me


And if I had a cannon I would fire it

To add a sort of celebration touch

But since I left my cannon at home

I'll simply have to say

Thank you very, very, very much!

Thank you very, very, very much!



Thank you very much!

Thank you very much!

That's the nicest thing that anyone's ever done for me

It isn't everyday

Good fortune comes my way

I never thought the future would be fun for me


And if I had a bugle I would blow it

To add a sort of 'ow's-your-father touch

But since I left my bugle at home

I'll simply have to say

Thank you very, very, very much


Thank you very, very much

Thank you very, very much

That's the nicest thing that anyone's ever done for me

The future looks all right

In fact it looks so bright

I feel as if they're polishing the sun for me


And if I had a drum I'd have to bang it!

To add a sort of rumty-tumty touch

But since I left my drum at home

I'll simply have to say

Thank you very, very, very much!

Thank you very, very, very much!

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I have also been told this by my many Chinese pen-pals.  They tell me that it is not uncommon that when a Chinese man becomes successful, he will often move on to a younger woman of child bearing age.  Even though China still has a one-child per family law, if you have enough money, you can pay the Gov't to have more.  This seems to be just another reason that many Chinese woman seem to harbor resentment towards Chinese men.


Sounds like they have a good plan to me :blink:


Yep, has worked out extremely well for me, in fact for many of us on this site.


Perhaps we should send them a Thank You card. :P


I was thinking the same thing. Thank you, thank you, ...... and by the way thank you!!!!!!


Its like a Christmas Carol or perhaps Scrooge(the musical)...



Ladies and gentlemen

On behalf of all the people who have assembled here

I would merely like to mention if I may

That our unanimous attitude

Is one of lasting gratitude

For what our friend has done for us today

And therefore I would simply like to say


Thank you very much!

Thank you very much!

That's the nicest thing that anyone's ever done for me

I may sound Double-Dutch

But my delight is such

I feel as if a losing war's been won for me


And if I had a flag I'd hang my flag out

To add a sort of final victory touch

But since I left my flag at home

I'll simply have to say

Thank you very, very, very much!

Thank you very, very, very much!


Thank you very much!

Thank you very much!

That's the nicest thing that anyone's ever done for me

It sounds a bit bizarre

But things the way they are

I feel as if another life's begun for me


And if I had a cannon I would fire it

To add a sort of celebration touch

But since I left my cannon at home

I'll simply have to say

Thank you very, very, very much!

Thank you very, very, very much!



Thank you very much!

Thank you very much!

That's the nicest thing that anyone's ever done for me

It isn't everyday

Good fortune comes my way

I never thought the future would be fun for me


And if I had a bugle I would blow it

To add a sort of 'ow's-your-father touch

But since I left my bugle at home

I'll simply have to say

Thank you very, very, very much


Thank you very, very much

Thank you very, very much

That's the nicest thing that anyone's ever done for me

The future looks all right

In fact it looks so bright

I feel as if they're polishing the sun for me


And if I had a drum I'd have to bang it!

To add a sort of rumty-tumty touch

But since I left my drum at home

I'll simply have to say

Thank you very, very, very much!

Thank you very, very, very much!



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