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Was our case entered into the computer?

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If you got your I-129F NOA 2 and they sent it to GUZ,then your next step will be a P-3 to fill out and then next will be a P-4.I think this is how it is done by the way I was told. good luck.




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Thanks for your comments, Gene and Dan.


It was the CR-1 which was sent to GUZ. I am not clear what difference it makes which one is sent first (perhaps the CR-1 is quicker since it is a "conditional -- spouse of a U.S. citizen"). Being a U.S. citizen appears to be a status that involves only responsibilities and few rights, if the visa process is any indication.


Will things, generally, progress more quickly since we are working both visa routes simultaneously?


But we are still looking at a December or January, 2006 interview date, right?


P.S. I'm still trying to figure out how to include a photo in the forum section. Any suggestions?

Edited by shyaushu (see edit history)
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Things won't go quicker because you are going with both petitions, it would have helped if one got bogged down for one reason or another.


I think that would be a good guess for an interview date.


Go to the top of the page and look for control panel, then down the left side of the control panel page look for avatar that is were you download the picture.

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Things won't go quicker because you are going with both petitions,  it would have helped if one got bogged down for one reason or another.


I think that would be a good guess for an interview date.


Go to the top of the page and look for control panel, then down the left side of the control panel page look for avatar that is were you download the picture.


Thanks Gene. The photo is not very clear, but it's there.


Why is it things you want to move along get bogged down, and things you want to get bogged down move along? I'm wishing the less productive visa venue would go away!


I can't complain: I'll be in China with my wife for a month in just three weeks.

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Photo turned out good, she is a pretty woman :bangin: You are a lucky man :ok:


I understand, looking back myself it is just kind of a blur. We recently filed AOS, and it came to quick, I can't believe I actualy said that :D Just the bumps and grinds of the system.


That will be great to spend a month there, have a safe trip and don't forget to check in here and give us updates from that side of the world :banned:

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It was the CR-1 which was sent to GUZ.  I am not clear what difference it makes which one is sent first (perhaps the CR-1 is quicker since it is a "conditional -- spouse of a U.S. citizen"). 


You may have already discovered this information on your own but allow me to dump what I know into the mix and stir the pot further.


Sounds like both the K3 and CR1 are heading there at the same time or nearly the same time. If both arrive there at the same time, your K3 will be combined with the CR1. Keep in mind, once the CR1 process is completed, your wife will get an Immigrant Visa. The K3 is a Nonimmigrant Visa and you would be repeating the same process (differently) as the CR1, not to mention paying the same bills all over again. Effectively speaking, if the CR1 has been sent ahead of the K3, then K3 is dead in the water.


In my case, the K3 beat the CR1 to GUZ by about a month and a half. P3 was sent and name check was completed. Now the CR1 is there and both have been combined and the next step is the P4.


So, having said that, I bet you're thinking "that's clear as mud"!! Good luck.


Dave :huh:

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Things won't go quicker because you are going with both petitions,  it would have helped if one got bogged down for one reason or another.




Perhaps I'm not understanding your point here but I think it is all in how you look at it. My K3 got to GUZ 1 1/2 earlier. I already had it in my mind we were going to wait for the CR1. Because they combine the two if they arrive reasonably together, had my CR1 arrived later than it did, they could have scheduled K-3 interview. Then prior to the interview, the CR1 arrives and they simple proceed with the Interview and issue a CR1 visa instead of a K3 visa.


So because the K3 arrived ahead of time, the processing began on it and then was converted over to the CR1 rather than starting the process all over again with the CR1. Does that make sense? If so, I think it makes the process for the CR1 much quicker.


Geez...now I'm confused!!! Better stick with what I know... :huh:

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I see what you are trying to say, But what ever gets there first starts the clock and the wait has been averaging 5 to 6 months, K-1,K-3 or CR-1. So I guess the question would be, how long was all of your stuff in Guangzhou before the interveiw?



They don't actualy combine them the CR-1 just takes presidence over the K-3 since it is a immigrant visa and the K-3 is just a temporary visa on it's way to a CR-1

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It's nice both sailorboy and Gene got into the act.


Yes, it is as clear as mud, and yet it also makes a bit more sense now. The K-3 and the CR-1 will be combined in some manner if they arrive somewhat contemporaneously, and the CR-1 will be the baby.


It's obviously best if the CR-1 gets there in time for the actual Immigrant visa to get issued. Although the visa fees are a small portion of the rather impressive sums that need to be spent (trips to China+gifts for everyone+money sent to China+calls to China+visa fees, etc.), I certainly don't want to have to pay them again!


In any case, it's best if the whole thing is actually OVER when the visa is finally issued and our lovers/spouses are finally here.


Whichever one comes along, it is clear that we are not likely to have an interview before December (four months after the "case was sent to Guangzhou").


So, that's why I have to take a leave of absence from my job.


By-the-by, since my work involves helping state agencies reduce their insurance losses, that means the people of our great state will be deprived of that expertise for a month (I'm not all that valuable, but I actually make a difference). So, in a certain sense, one million other people also suffer with Zhenshu and me, since the premiums for our insurance are paid for by the public.


Nice system!

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Wally....a whole month in China with your Sweetie....Lucky Dog :(  Granted not quite as nice as a quicker interiew date, very nice none the less


Indeed. An interview date is the Holy Grail, but a month together at this point (with perhaps two or three month left after I leave until we get into the Consulate) is an acceptable second best.


I'm very lucky I can take the time from my job, but it is hard to give up a month's salary after all the expenses already.


Both sides have to be awfully devoted for this to work out.

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