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Police reports subject again

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I asked this question in the past and got mixed responses from everyone here and from the DOS... It was my thougth my lovely one wouldn't need a police report from the cities she lived in the US when she attended school. I still beleive this, but since the interview is next month, I thought maybe we should try.... actually my lady felt that way and I supported her. A lawyer told me I could not get them from the US.


Well, I did get one today.from 2 cites, Berkely and SF. So hopefully this can help someone in the future if tis question comes up again.


I don't think they will ask for them, but it is better to be safe than sorry on that subject. I think we have our ducks in a row now... we will just have to wait and see.

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in the instructions in my packet, they say specifically that there is no requirement for any from U. S. cities, I guess that is because of the NCIC check they do.... anyway, I don't disagree with you, nothing wrong with having more than they ask for......

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She has a name check through NVC and GUZ.. how many more do you want? :ph34r:


Don't worry about it.. it's stated in the FAQ as not needed.. :ph34r:


I called DOS 3 different times with 3 different agents, I didn't ask shawn when I had the chance... but 2 of the 3 said I needed them, one said no.

I asked wouldn't the prior check by the NVC and other checks suffice. I was told no. Well, it didn't take too much effort and I got them... I will express them to her. She will feel better.... we all know that when the lady love is happy we can be happy... She doesn't know I got them yet, but I know she will be happy... they only cost $15 total for 2, not including the express charges, but I get a discount because of my company. Maybe many here don't have the concerns I have about her being in the country before... either way, one less thing to worry about.

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Curious how you possilby got police records for someone else, with all the regulations now popular about protecting people's identity...


Actually, she had to write a letter requesting it and send her driver's liscense. She sent it to me and I sent along my DL and a letter explaining what was needed.. and of course checks for this information they sent it to my house, now I will forward onto her with final documents I need to send to her, ... ie final phone records and a few other things.

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don't forget to get rid of those old cheetos bags, clean everything, and hurry up and wait!!!


Best wishes for a successful interview and a speedy journey to you for her!!!

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She has a name check through NVC and GUZ.. how many more do you want?   :D  


Don't worry about it.. it's stated in the FAQ as not needed..   :D


Since you have not gone to your interview yet, let me you warn you about something.


Security checks can become a problem. NVC/GZ is meaningless for your AOS. Just a heads up.


You ain't done yet, despite what you think. (Your mileage may vary)

Edited by Stats (see edit history)
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