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1) I have added a document which has a List of Questions by FAQ.. so in this way, you can review ALL questions in ALL FAQs and then see which one FAQ to go to for answers.


2) As well, I sent Don some graphic files of the actual visa denial and overcome slips so people can see them as an example of what can be asked for... that should be setup soon...

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Have you emailed GUZ ?


I have seen some who ask specific questions on forms and get the necessary reply.


I know that the P4 letter states to fill out the 156.. but doesn't state which one or both.


You will know this at the time of the medical exam. The person putting the package together will tell you if it is needed. if they insist and you don't have it, you'll be heading off to find it somewhere. So, you could bring the chinese versions in case they are needed.

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Good Information !!! When I am in China next time, I will go over the Interview and Interview Questions information with her.


In your opinion, do you have a "short" list for:


1. Top 5 "non-mandatory" items for fiancee/spouse to bring to the interview in order of importance.

2. Top 10 interview questions (most important or most asked).


A mandatory item would be the Birth Certificate, while a non-mandatory item would be letters from family members.





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Good Information !!!  When I am in China next time, I will go over the Interview and Interview Questions information with her.


In your opinion, do you have a "short" list for:


1.  Top 5 "non-mandatory" items for fiancee/spouse to bring to the interview in order of importance. 

2.  Top 10 interview questions (most important or most asked).


A mandatory item would be the Birth Certificate, while a non-mandatory item would be letters from family members.






I think you answered it.. the Interview FAQ has it :)


Here is the section I put into the FAQ to try and deal with this type of question... (I let you cover the rest with your SO ! :D )


see Top 10 questions and most frequent document requested.



Q.1.18 Most Important / Common / Frequent Items?




1. Establish bona-fide relationship: Proof of having meet at least once; multiple visits by petitioner is better

2. Establish bona-fide relationship: informal Pictures of the couple together, and with beneficiary's family is better

3. Establish on-going relationship / communication: Proof of frequent and regular calls, preferably logs from a phone company with both caller & called numbers.

4. Establish you meet the financial guidelines: bring I-134, Tax returns with W2, employer letter, bank letter if using assets.

5. Establish communication: Beneficiary’s English is good. If communication could appear to be a problem to the VO, make a tape.




TOP 10 MOST COMMON QUESTIONS [what they establish]:

1. May I see your passport(s) ; Also give petitioner passport if you have it [ Establishes eligibility and petitioner’s visits]

2. Who applied for you / who is the petitioner [Establishes your understanding of the petitioner]

3. How did you meet / where did you meet [Establishes that you meet]

4. How many times did he come / How long has he visited you each visit / how much time have you been together [Establishes bona-fide relationship via number of visits or amount of time together; If the VO has the petitioner passport (or copy), then this is akin to a test question. He already knows this by looking at the passport.]

5. What does he do / where does he live [Establishes relationship, that you know your fiancée / spouse]

6. Are either of you previously married / have children (k3/CR1, be prepared: If yes, most likely more to come]

7. Do you have photos [Establishes relationship]

8. Do you have financial (I-134 / taxes & W2 / employment) documents [Establishes meeting the financial requirements]

9. Do you have plans to marry / where will you marry (k1 only) [Establishes your intent to marry and live in US]

10. Are you a communist? [Establishes any ineligibility]



1. Yes, here it is. [Provide fiancées at same time; if he is not with you, provide certified copy; if he is present also present his passport. This will save a question to see the fiancée passport and establishes if he is there or not]

2. My fiancée / spouse XYZ

3. Internet, Friends, etc. IF second question of “where/howâ€, then give specific internet forum/board/webpage name.

4. Try to list the dates and length of time of each visit. If any visit is close to a month or more, emphasize you two ‘lived together’.

5. Say the type of work [computer programmer, works at bank, he is a plumber. If where, then give Town and State.

6. They should already know this… so a ‘test’ question. State how many times or how many children.

7. Answer yes. Provide the pictures and at least one near the top that should make the VO smile. Provide material.

8. Answer yes. Provide the material.

9. We plan to marry in the US in “town and stateâ€. When? Give the month of or after you expect to arrive.

10. NO !





Concerning Beneficiary:

How many times have you been married? (state how many times )

When did you get divorced? (give date)

Why did you get divorced? (state a reason)

Where is your previous husband? / Where does your ex-husband live? (If unknown, state as such)

After your divorce, do have contact with him? (be honest, but minimal. If no, state so)

Do you have any children? (state how many)

Who has custody of the child? (if your child is also seeking a visa, you must have full custody)


For the beneficiary having previous marriages, the VO wants to make sure that the ex-spouse is not in the country you are about to go to. Otherwise this could raise some concern that you are trying to get to that country to be with the ex-spouse. The VO also wants to ensure that you have full custody of the child, If your seeking a visa for the child.



Concerning Petitioner:

When did the petitioner get divorced?

Why did you get divorced?

How long was he married?

Does your spouse have any children?

Does your spouse’s son live with your husband?

How old is your spouse’s son?

Did you know your spouse/fiancée was married 3 times? (Yes, he was last divorced in 1973)


For the petitioner having previous marriages, the VO wants to ensure that the relationship is a bona-fide one. That the beneficiary knows the petitioner’s past, particularly if there are children.





Most frequent documents requested, in order, during interview:

1. Beneficiary’s passport

2. Petitioner’s passport

3. Pictures

4. I-134 financial statement, tax returns or financial supporting evidence

5. Employment letter

6. Divorce decrees


Most frequent item needed for overcome evidence:

1. Request for evidence beyond the above

--a. Video tape

--b. Proof of trips

2. Documents missing or newer ones needed

--a. Financial statement too old

--b. Employment letter too old

--c. Petitioner’s Passport not certified

--d. Petitioner Intent to marry too old

--e. Email showing dates, etc

Edited by DavidZixuan (see edit history)
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