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Learning Geography

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Tonight after dinner Bing and I walked over to the dollar store to browse around. There on one of the aisles was a 100 piece jigsaw puzzle of the 50 united states. I says myself, "self that may help your wife learn a little geography" so I bought it. ( I never could say no to myself) We brought it home and had a good time putting it together. Each state had a little picture on it of what that state is famous for and I think she learned a lot. I know I sure enjoyed teaching her.

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Good idea. When Jingwen and the kids first arrived, I was amazed that their knowledge of geography was limited. I bought a globe so that they could see where the various countries are located. I know part of their lack of knowledge came from limited education, but I suspect some of it also came from the relative isolation of Chinese population from the goings on in the world. Though not a good as your puzzle map, I use the globe to show them how far it is from Atlanta to various places in the US and around the world.

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Guest ShaQuaNew
Tonight after dinner Bing and I walked over to the dollar store to browse around.  There on one of the aisles was a 100 piece jigsaw puzzle of the 50 united states.  I says myself, "self that may help your wife learn a little geography" so I bought it. ( I never could say no to myself)  We brought it home and had a good time putting it together.  Each state had a little picture on it of what that state is famous for and I think she learned a lot.  I know I sure enjoyed teaching her.


....great thought....have been racking my brain trying to think of little things like that to take on my trip this weekend.....

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When we lived in China, we had maps all over the walls of our apartment. Most of the maps were in English and Chinese and Li got a pretty good sense of where most places were located. I am aware, however, that sometimes the Chinese are a bit geographically challenged. Several years ago I posted the following experience on Candle. Seeings how there are a lot of new members since then, I will mention it again.


I needed to mail a package back to the States while living in China. Back in those days (it may still be true in some places) any package sent from China to America had to be inspected to be sure that no contraband was being shipped out of the country. In the town where I lived, only one person was authorized to inspect packages and he was never around.


I went down to the local post office with my package. I took along a translator as Li was out of town. We had to wake up the woman behind the counter. Of course, the inspector wasn't around. I explained that I needed to get the package out because I wanted it to arrive before Christmas. She said that didn't matter, there was nothing she could do.

Just as I started to leave, she grabbed my items off the counter and starting putting them in a box. I asked her what she was doing and this is what transpired:


Me: What are you doing?

Her: I am going to mail your package. Isn't that what you want?

Me: Of course, but you said there was nothing you could do.

Her: If you mail the package by air or by sea, then it has to be inspected. If you mail it the regular way, it doesn't have to be inspected. So I will send it the regular way.

:angry: :angry: :blink:

Me: I appreciate that, but tell me, America is on the other side of the Pacific Ocean. If it doesn't go by air or by sea, how does it get there?


:blink: :blink: :angry: :blink:


Her: The regular way.


:blink: :blink: :huh:


Needless to say, I never got that package mailed.


After posting this on Candle about two years or so ago, there was quite a discussion about what constituted the "regular way." Dog Sled? Polar Train? Land Shark?

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Tonight after dinner Bing and I walked over to the dollar store to browse around.  There on one of the aisles was a 100 piece jigsaw puzzle of the 50 united states.  I says myself, "self that may help your wife learn a little geography" so I bought it. ( I never could say no to myself)  We brought it home and had a good time putting it together.  Each state had a little picture on it of what that state is famous for and I think she learned a lot.  I know I sure enjoyed teaching her.


So tell me Carl; what was Virginia famous fer?..........:rolleyes::lol:


Just josh'n, lol. That was a thoughtful thing to do. I'll keep it in mind and it does sound like fun. The first thing I did when my wife and stepdaughter arrived was to buy a scrabble game. We have fun with that sometimes.

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Tonight after dinner Bing and I walked over to the dollar store to browse around.  There on one of the aisles was a 100 piece jigsaw puzzle of the 50 united states.  I says myself, "self that may help your wife learn a little geography" so I bought it. ( I never could say no to myself)  We brought it home and had a good time putting it together.  Each state had a little picture on it of what that state is famous for and I think she learned a lot.  I know I sure enjoyed teaching her.


So tell me Carl; what was Virginia famous fer?..........:unsure::lol:


Just josh'n, lol. That was a thoughtful thing to do. I'll keep it in mind and it does sound like fun. The first thing I did when my wife and stepdaughter arrived was to buy a scrabble game. We have fun with that sometimes.


I just looked at it. It has a heart on it and since I lived in southern Va. at one time (Dublin about 50 miles south of Roanoak) even I know that "Virginia is for lovers".

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Guest DragonFlower

I have been giving my stepson the state quarters.I bought a nice cardboard map to put them in.He is interested and it is very educational.By the time he gets here he will have about 33.



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