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The new "super-Americans"

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Very interesting article, I think the family values Americans have talked about for years are being demonstrated by the Asian community as a whole.


They even seem to have an idea of how politicians should act that we seem to have lost in this country a good while back, Observers note that most Asian-American legislators tend to be practical problem-solvers rather than partisan ideologues.

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Yup sounds right to me. But mightn't we be just a wee bit biased on this subject. I know I am. Yesterday I received a shirt and two pants in the mail. Everyone told me they looked great. I said I guess this is my new style :unsure: Then a friend of hers called saying she must take me out for my birthday because Ping had called her 4 times telling her she must. Did she do this for appearances? No, she'd be annoyed that I was telling it here.


Yup practical, straight forward, family oriented, beautiful and just plain folks. Use to be just plain folks meant good people with values. Seems Americans view it as being a simplton without ambition and the sophistication to be manipulative today.


David could you have your SO talk to mine and explain why return to China is a goal. I'm the one who wants to move there, she wants to move here. I guess having her here will be enough change for me for awhile. Next month I will probably start count down again unless I've adapted to her attitude.

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This depends where you are and what business. Here on the left coast there are many Asian-Americans as gov administrators and elected officials. The movie industry inspite of newscasters still gives little opportunity to Asian-Americans.


In general Asian-Americans are still under represented in upper management.

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David could you have your SO talk to mine and explain why return to China is a goal. I'm the one who wants to move there, she wants to move here. I guess having her here will be enough change for me for awhile. Next month I will probably start count down again unless I've adapted to her attitude.


we'll have to figure out a way to get together at some point ! :D

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I think your 3 articles agree with the statement in the Washington Post:


"On average, Asian-Americans are better educated, more prosperous and less afflicted with social problems like crime and divorce than the national average."


but explain it away statistically:


"Unlike blacks, Asians have migrated to the U.S. voluntarily. The forced capture and transport of Africans means that the U.S. black population is more likely to be a true cross section of African society, whereas Asians, who migrate voluntarily, tend to be self-selected. "


These articles do not extol the success of those who have emigrated, but try to claim that we should not belie their claim to minority status, since some of the less advantaged will have the same needs as other minorities.


Please read more carefully.

Edited by Randy W (see edit history)
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As usual, Tony comes up with great links...


If Asians get ahead in american life, it is only because they are conditioned to take life and study more seriously.


The second article has a picture as the quitessential example... They study year round, unlike our own counterpart country.


I read the articles very fast.. but they misunderstand an issue about living in NY. It is not very expensive to the asian, only because they will live 5 or more to a house without any issue... I have seen this first hand. They combine their resources in a way we will not; They are survivalists.

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Careful Carl don't say those figures too loudly. In the 70's those same statistics led to quotas at many east coast colleges for Jews. In the 60's & 70's the removal from minority status to prevent us from getting benefits was ordered by both Democrat and Republican Presidents until Reagan restored the classification.


David you mention "survivalists". That is something I always admired in a number of cultures and it is prevalent in Asia.

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I remember reading once that although Asians are only about 5% of the total population of the USA they have about 25% of the doctorate degrees.


Are these Asians foreign students from China or are they USA residents (Asian-Americans)? A lot of doctorate candidates are from China because they got their Master degrees here and don't want to go back. Most Asian-Americans would more likely look for work after getting their BS or MS degrees.

Edited by ttlee_99 (see edit history)
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Everything takes time. In NYC for instance, in the legal field, there was only 2 Chinese American Judges when I started in 1992. But now there are over a dozen. NYU law school has about 10% Asian American students and even higher number in Med school. It is nice to see the change. But on the other hand prejudice and discrimination, albeit in a more subtle form against Asians, esp. males still persist.

Just to be fair, if you compare Asians and other minorities, lets say, African Americans, you are comparing different segments of the society. Those who went to U.S. tend to have at least college education before the immigration, while African Americans do represent a cross section of the community. If you compare those Africans and Asians who are both immigrants, the difference is less apparent.

Even Asian immigrants that have little education tend to do better, not because of race, but because they are the adventurous few that dare to risk their lives over the ocean and highly motivated. I am afraid I can't say the same about those who remained behind in the heartland of China, where I visited, in my home town. They never venture out and despite the boom in China, remain extremely poor. Most kids do not finish high school, cause, not enough money to support them to do that.

Policy is another reason. The social wellfare system in the U.S. contributed to a lot of the social problems. Take Asians for example, Japanese, Koreans, and Chinese tend to be better off than Laoations, Cambodians and Vietnamese in the U.S., with the latter making up the bulk of the people under the poverty line. Why, because the refugee status allow them to be on wellfare. In their home country and culture, education is equally important as in other asian cultures. The lack of social wellfare system, or availability of it for most asians in the home country as well as in the States makes it a survival necessity for most Asians. You survive or you die ( in China ) or you survive or you return (lose face).

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One other thing I have to add is that despite what has been achieved, Asians got to remember that we are a minority and as such must not forget what help or benefits we got from the civil liberties movements started by other minorities and liberals. At one point in time a lot lost sight of it, until 1996 anti-immigration legislation. Conservative economic policy, but liberal social policy is the best for Asians.

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