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Response from Piascik

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Here is email received today. Nothing new except for the first 3 paragraphs. Maybe we should invite the Consulate officers to become members and they could post their form letters directly on this board?


Dear xxxxx:


Assistant Secretary Maura Harty has asked us to respond to your e-mail of

January 27 requesting information about the fiancée visa application of xxx

xxxx. We have corresponded with you previously about this case, but it

appears from your latest e-mail that you may not have received our e-mail of

January 13. Let me assure you that all of us at the Department of State

fully understand that delays in visa issuance are seriously complicating the

lives of applicants and of those who are waiting for their arrival.


In our January 13 e-mail, we explained that your fiancée's case is currently

pending completion of required security-related vetting through an

interagency clearance process. Changes to this process made in July 2002,

together with communications problems, computer issues, and vastly increased

work volumes, had the effect of delaying many clearances, especially those

dating from the period July to October 2002.


We are working with the relevant agencies to complete all clearance

requests, including that of your fiancée. We are also working with

technical experts here in Washington in an attempt to find new ways to

expedite the clearance process.


The Department of State, in its visa processes, will continue to carry out

scrupulously all legal and procedural requirements for the protection of the

security of the United States. When Ms. Han's clearance process is

concluded, the Consulate will notify her. I hope and trust that the outcome

will be favorable, and will not be delayed much longer.


We hope this information is helpful.





Lisa Piascik


Office of Public and Diplomatic Liaison

Visa Services

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Well, at least they are responding. I wounder how long they can keep this form letter alive :)

But now they are responding to a response. She actually referred to my earlier letter. The way I took the response is, "We already answered your emai once. We already responded to you once. You must not have read it, so here it is again."


Maybe I am annoying someone at CA. Is this bad? :blink:

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Dear xxxxx:


Assistant Secretary Maura Harty has asked us to respond to your e-mail of

January 27 requesting information about the fiancée visa application of xxx

xxxx.  We have corresponded with you previously about this case, but it

blah bla blah ......fully understand that delays in visa issuance are seriously complicating the

lives of applicants and of those who are waiting for their arrival. 


blagh blah blah security-related vetting through an

interagency clearance process.  Changes to this process made in July 2002,

together with communications problems, computer issues, and vastly increased







Lisa Piascik 


Office of Public and Diplomatic Liaison

Visa Services

I received this too, like you all, for the second or third time, I forgot.. However, although the letters are 90% the same, it's worth reading completely.

Today I got an email from L Piascick with the same stuff.. Almost was about to hit the delete button when I noticed a burried paragraph, saying that Y case indeed was resub's 1/27 ( which the consulate emailed me that day to tell me ). I got Piascki's email literally 5 mns before I was dialing DoS to confirm that resub date ( we know better right? :blink: ).

Then the letter continued blah blah blah...BS BS BS.. you know the rest..

I guess they do look up the case status before responding..

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Dear xxxxx:


Assistant Secretary Maura Harty has asked us to respond to your e-mail of

January 27 requesting information about the fiancée visa application of xxx

xxxx. We have corresponded with you previously about this case, but it

appears from your latest e-mail that you may not have received our e-mail of

January 13. Let me assure you that all of us at the Department of State

fully understand that delays in visa issuance are seriously complicating the

lives of applicants and of those who are waiting for their arrival.


Ill kiss you if you promise not to tell. Changes to this process made in July 2002,together with communications problems, computer issues, and vastly increased work volumes, had the effect of delaying many clearances, especially those dating from the period July to October 2002.


We are working with the relevant agencies to complete all clearance

requests, including that of your fiancée. We are also working with

technical experts here in Washington in an attempt to find new ways to

expedite the clearance process.


The Department of State, in its visa processes, will continue to carry out

scrupulously all legal and procedural requirements for the protection of the

security of the United States. When Ms. Han's clearance process is

concluded, the Consulate will notify her. I hope and trust that the outcome

will be favorable, and will not be delayed much longer.


We hope this information is helpful.





Lisa (Not) Piascik


Office of Public and Diplomatic Liaison

Visa Services

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