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My letter to Harty

Guest LarryQun

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Guest LarryQun

This is my version of a letter to Ms. Harty. I'm not interested in any more excuses or finger pointing. She's in charge of CA, it's her responsibility.

I offer this letter (or parts as needed) to anyone that wants to stoke the fire...


United States Department of State

Assistant Secretary of State for Consular Affairs

Washington, D.C. 20520


Attention: Ms. Maura Harty


My Chinese fiancé (XXXX) and I are among the unfortunate individuals that have been waiting for this name check process to complete so a visa can be issued (case # GUZ-XXX-XXX-XXX). Ms. XXXX’s name was first submitted to DoS in mid-September 2002, and was re-submitted on January 4, 2003. We have now been waiting for over 4 months for her name to be cleared. Up until now have been relatively silent. We have been patiently waiting, thinking that sooner or later, whatever the problem in your department is that is causing this now intolerable delay would somehow miraculously get fixed. Obviously, that hasn’t happened.

I have read several of your form letter responses to others that have contacted you with appeals for help with this problem. Your responses have suggested, for the most part, that the problem has been resolved, or at least significantly improved. Your letters say name check clearances are now averaging 2 weeks, and most if not all names have been re-submitted between January 4th and 13th. Ms. Harty, I am here to tell you that this is NOT the case. Many continue to suffer this unreasonable wait.

I have read on the various internet boards and forums that there are more recent visa applicants getting timely name check clearances. In many cases, these individuals haven’t even had their interviews yet. I fail to understand why this is happening when there are so many others, going as far back as August 2002 interview dates, that are still waiting for this name check fiasco to be resolved. What is the problem? I have also heard that those few “lucky” individuals that have received their EMS notifications and have gone to Guangzhou to pick up their visas have noted that there were only 20 others (average) there that day for visa pickup. 20 visas per day? We had heard that there were over 5000 names in the backlog. You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to figure that 5000 at 20 per day is 250 (work) days. And we can assume that additional people are entering into this process constantly, so the numbers are even larger than 5000. Come on Ms. Harty, this timeline is ridiculous. You said the problem would be fixed. You said it would take an average of 2 weeks for a name check to clear. Was that the truth, or was it a clever ploy to keep everyone silent while they continued waiting. And for how long? Will it take another 2 weeks? Maybe 2 months? 2 years? Or perhaps we will just wait forever.

Ms. Harty, do you have a family? Children? Do you go home to them each night and enjoy your life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness? I am outraged that anyone associated with this problem could sit down at their dinner table each night, eating, drinking, and enjoying the company of their loved ones while WE are forced to be separated from our families due to an obvious lack of competence and concern.

Unlike others that have been, up to now, so polite with their appeal to your conscience while asking for help with this ridiculous situation, I demand it. Perhaps you don’t fully understand the impact of your course of action (or lack thereof). I am tired of lies and delays. The wait has gone on for long enough. This problem is YOUR responsibility. Fix it now, or find someone that will. I’m sure I speak for all of those who are suffering from this absurd and grossly mismanaged situation when I say, no more lip service, we want ACTION!

I look forward to your timely response regarding this matter…


Most Sincerely,



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