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Are you still a communist party member...

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My fiancee told me that she is no longer a communist party member because she stopped paying the dues over a year ago. She said to continue to be a member, you have to pay a fee annually.


Does anyone know if this constitutes "quitting" the party? Anyone here have SO's that formally quit, and how is it done? Do you think my fiancee is in the clear?



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My fiancee told me that she is no longer a communist party member because she stopped paying the dues over a year ago.  She said to continue to be a member, you have to pay a fee annually.


Does anyone know if this constitutes "quitting" the party?  Anyone here have SO's that formally quit, and how is it done?  Do you think my fiancee is in the clear?




Wow, great question, but to me, if you quit something, you quit... but she may still be on the roles... Perhaps she can ask the communist party boss there if she is still listed. Hank

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The two forms I know of that ask questions about this are :


1) DS-230 part II:  "an alien... who is a member of or affiliated with..."


2) GNI-2: "aliens who are, or at any time have been.. members of or affiliated with".

Here is the collection on communist discussion threads:




thanks guys.


This is the first i've heard of the GNI-2 form, but i just did a search, and I guess we should be prepared for her to sign it at the consulate. As for the DS-230 Part 2, the wording is such that only "current" members would have to check it. It seems the GNI-2 form requires previous members to check the box, unfortunately.


As for quitting, i just talked to my fiancee just now, and she says that the Communist Party requires monthly payments, and that you are out of the party if you do not pay for one calender year. So, I think it should be okay, unless there is a good reason why she would need to quit more "officially".

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Is this something I should be asking my wife about?  I never really gave it any thought. :unsure:


probably best to ask and be prepared to answer questions about it. But from what i gathered from most discussions, it shouldn't be something to be too concerned about. :)

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