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AOS Interview Success

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The guy seemed pretty gruff at first (ex-Army). But since I'm ex military, that didn't rattle me at all.


When I tried to offer documentation, he said he'd ask for what's needed. He ended up not looking at our docs (briefcase full) at all.


He had us give him information to fill in some omissions I'd made in the forms. His questions seemed to be aimed at determining that we know each other, some details about the length and circumstances of our previous marriages, etc. Were I work; for how long; what work she plans to do...


He had all the docs he needed in our application package on his desk. He said all the security checks, etc, came back fine. I think the nature of our answers let him know he didn't need to dig any further.


Besides not asking for a translator, he asked some questions meant for her directly to me.


Now we're on vacation at the beach. :)

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Thats GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol:




RICK???? Is that you???? Your not dead or kidnapped????? you still tidin' my harley??? :D :blink: oooops, there goe the automated off topic cop.


good to see ya dude!!

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I want to know, What the thing is with this AOS interview. What can they do, Say you don't have a valid marriage?

Right now,,,, They really don't want to PISS me off :D ,,,, I'll ride Triggs,,, No, My Harley right up their SKINNY little ASS! :blink:

I've never been this happy,,, Do you think for one minute, I'll let some a** hole make my life misserable again. I can retire in 9 months with 33 years of Government service. I know many, many places I can go with my wife,,,,, Do You?

Hell get a P.O. box and travel on the Goldwing, I've got direct deposit, Might even sell the old harley,,,,,Maybe Not!


Yes Dear :lol: You need me :P , I'll be right there :o BYE! :D


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I want to know, What the thing is with this AOS interview. What can they do, Say you don't have a valid marriage?

Right now,,,, They really don't want to PISS me off :rolleyes: ,,,, I'll ride Triggs,,, No, My Harley right up their SKINNY little ASS! :lol:

I've never been this happy,,, Do you think for one minute, I'll let some a** hole make my life misserable again. I can retire in 9 months with 33 years of Government service. I know many, many places I can go with my wife,,,,, Do You?

Hell get a P.O. box and travel on the Goldwing, I've got direct deposit, Might even sell the old harley,,,,,Maybe Not!


Yes Dear :huh:  You need me :P , I'll be right there :D BYE! :D



Ricky, PULEASE don't sell my-er uh your Harley.


the AOS interview is interesting in that they actually asked us some questions to see if we really knew each other. It is more of a formality than anything else. Nothing to get worried and upset about unless, when they ask if she is planning to over throw the gov and she answers "I won't need to, it is doing a good enohg job of f@#$@#ing itself up".


Ya'll quit worryin'. the WORST they will do is make you send 'em more gov crap. They WON"T snatch her up and put her/him on a slow boat to china while they are waiting.



Our AOS interview was very professional and was what I think a GZ interview should be "why did you want to marry blah blah blah". The only thing they really asked for was an up to date tax thingy--I gave them up to date proof of non-taxable income and that was it.


I called UCIS and talked to a stupidvisor and she said as far as showing proof of living together, a common checking account was enough. The lady at the interview told me to NEVER lsiten to UCIS phone people and asked what else i had to prove she lived with me. I said NOTHING- she was ok with that but was happy when I found some Dr bills addressed to wifey at my/our address. Oh, and i had my stepdaughter grades--Alll a's and when I pushed them toward her she said to my stepdaughter WF, If they aren't all A's I don't wanna see 'em.". stepdaughter grinned and pushed 'em back and said "If they werent't all A's, it wouldn't be ny report card" (I taught her to be a smartass i think)


RE-FU##@in'lAX. They ain't gona make you sell my Harley!!

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