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Hi all!


At the request of my so, i have been here gleaning much iformation and food for thought. Furthermore I have begun to see many cool people here, that share common ground. i have been a bad boy and have been just lurking in the shadows. But no more :D


We are 2.5 months after recieving the p3( which was returned completed the next day by express mail). This wait is tortuous, but i know i do not have to go it alone.


We met online on April 30. We talked and chatted every day, and finally met her October 11, files petition on Dec 2. I went back for nearly 3 weeks at the end of january and spent New Year's Eve in Sanya with a newly focused vision.


On Feb. 8, we recieved approval from Homeland security, and on April 13 recieved our p3.


Now we wait. Seems there is much to do ; airlines strategy, travel dates, which airport, document preparation ............................................


Nothing new to you folks out there. It is heartwarming to read these successes as they stream in, and the support and enciouragement here. I just want to say greetings, and you will be hearing from me soon.

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Actually a Washingtonian, born and raised. Yes it does seems like our p4 should be soon.


I have 2 daughters who live with me, and ask every day about the "news from the front" My oldest (14) has already planned out the wedding. She volunteered for the position, and Jin and I quicklygranted her the position.


They have even slowly begun to push the spicy hot envelope since they know she loves spicy dishes. I am extatic, since they would never budge for me.


We do not have many pics of us to bring, but the most treasered pics she has are the ones the kids drew for her. I wonder if the officials would like to see those pics, and see that there are other people looking forward to this relationship besides the two of us.


Any thoughts on the subject?

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Seems not only a place to sit. Perhaps in the near future I will be put to task the mission to teach Oregonioans how to cross a river. :D


I wonder if most of the american so's here have turned into double-shifting night owls like me, with corresponding on china time?

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Guest ShaQuaNew

Nice hearing from you, and thank you for sharing your timeline. Each and every one that posts here helps others by providing feedback. That feedback is extremely helpful because most of our time is spent waiting while our packages sit in that seemingly bottomless INBASKET.


J & L

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So you have been silently sitting in the corner of the Official Waiting Room of GUZ? Ok time to come out and join the party.


I would give a resounding yes to submitting anything that shows the family is involved and anxiously waiting for her. Have the girls sent emails to her? Those she should print and bring. A letter from them to the VO might be good. I don't think that is being out of line. She will need to fit in with the family to make the whole thing work so demonstrating this is only a proving the relationship.


Hey Don! After you tutored me for an hour you said I got it right. Anyway I've been telling them at work that I went to ORY-GUN for the weekend but everyone just asks "Where?".

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They have even slowly begun to push the spicy hot envelope since they know she loves spicy dishes.  I am extatic, since they would never budge for me.


We do not have many pics of us to bring, but the most treasered pics she has are the ones the kids drew for her.  I wonder if the officials would like to see those pics, and see that there are other people looking forward to this relationship besides the two of us. 


Any thoughts on the subject?

My SO is originally from Hunan province, which has a cuisine that is even spicier than Sichuan's. Fortunately, I like spicy food. My friends and acquaintances in China are always amazed that a "gui lao" likes the spicy Hunan and Sichuan cuisines.


As for the drawings - my opinion is that it couldn't hurt. But maybe you should take a photograph or two of your daughters holding their works of art as "proof" that they are the actual artists. Any bit of leverage can help!

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We might need some teaching, but the Californicans are in more dire need. Dan couldn't even prounounce ORY-GUN after I spelled it out for him.  :D


Hey, easy on the Californicans, okay? I can not only pronounce Ory-gun, but I can point to it on a map. It's that little suburb north of San Francisco. :D

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