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DOS hotline gives more info

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i called the dos hotline today.

no clearance (what else is new)


i asked the woman if she had seen anyone else getting cleared lately. she would not answer this question. i also called last friday, and that woman told me that she really hadnt seen many clearances lately.


i then asked if there was anyone else i could contact about the status of my case and she said no. i could only contact the state department, and the state department must wait until it is contacted by the fbi/cia. the state department cannot contact the fbi/cia and ask about the status of my case.


no one had ever told me outright that the fbi/cia are the agencies actually carrying out the name check. also, no one ever told me that dos doesnt have the power to find out the status of our cases from the fbi/cia.


as with all information received from this hotline, take it with a grain of salt. maybe its true, maybe its not. personally, i think the people who anwer those phones are just as confused as we are about what is going on.



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I read...in many places that they are supposed to work with eachother!!...wtf... :D  yup I said wtf.... :D  :)

Situation Normal...AFU. :o :lol: :lol:


This is exactly why DHS will, in the end, prove a gigantic and costly failure. No one, and I mean no one, can actually force these agencies to work together. They never have and they never will.



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Lets all hope they will work together, this has been part of the problem from the start, one department will not work with the other unless they have to, information shareing is another thing, they don't pass this along either, unless they are told to, U know how things work local govt . not any different than federal govt. here we have had 5 Cty Commisioners go to jail and prison

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