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I have seen several times that having joint accounts with both you and your so's name are good to show at the interview. I recently looked into this at my bank and I was told that because of the Patriot act, in order to put my wife's name on my bank accounts, she would have to personally come to the bank in person and show identification. Being that she has no way of coming to the bank in person until after she has the visa in hand, is there a way around this? Or is there some other type of joint account we can have besides a bank account?

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Joint accounts or giving her access to your money does a lot to demonstrate a relationship. It shows trust and commitment to making yours ours. The bank problem is easily gotten around by adding her as a signator on your credit cards. From this I supplied statements showing use in China both hers and mine. This also gave a paper trail of my travels in China. It also generated mail in both of our names and ads coming to her name at my address. This proved establishment of a joint address and account access even without her being here yet.

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Gene is right it is good to have for AOS interview. Besides she must have a SSN to open a bank account. As far as how good for evidence joint accounts, credit cards etc. are for the visa interview in GZ there are two schools of thought here. One says it shows trust and commitment the other says it only shows you may have been scammed. Better I think to show she can take care of herself and loves you for you not your money. I wouldn't take any evidence that you give her money to interview.

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Dan, I think you have a logical argue... and I like the comparison of which direction the money flows in regarding which is possibly more a fraud profile or flag to a VO.


You pin point profile #1 I will show below.



Here's my opinion, having reviewed the interviews.. but I will say that I have struggled with a definitive take on the issue, which may mean too much is being made of it.





1. two-way fraud (Chinese beneficiary pays American petitioner)

2. one-way fraud (Chinese beneficiary is ‘pretending’ affection; plans to dupe petitioner.)



From the beneficiary’s point of view, sending the SO money is a sign they are willing to care for the SO. But from the VO perspective, they might want to question why the beneficiary is doing this. In the ‘two way fraud’, if the woman paid the man, then it seems less like the man would want to send money. Then he would not really be paid in the end. Yet the woman could be attempting double fraud by trying to get the money back from the man. In the ‘one way fraud’, it would be likely that she wants to receive money since the relationship is not a true one. Again, like a double fraud is at work.

The VO may not understand the reason for sending money since the beneficiary was already supporting themselves. If the beneficiary quit her job in order to pursue some activities like English lessons, then it would be best to have documentation or receipts from her to show that. Although, the fact that she quit a job and now requires to be supported may be yet another flag to the VO !


The few who have expressed an opinion and have been through interviews and/or know of others who have been through them, have expressed that at this time, it is probably NOT a good idea to use this as evidence of a relationship.

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For all evidence presented I attached a cover letter of explanation. The need for support in order for her to learn English to faciltate the relationship and our belief that this was important to complete prior to her coming to the U.S. was fully documented and explained.


I also expect that anyone intending fraud would not want to show any type of money flow. This could mean that the way it was presented might have indicated to a VO there is not fraud.

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For all evidence presented I attached a cover letter of explanation. The need for support in order for her to learn English to faciltate the relationship and our belief that this was important to complete prior to her coming to the U.S. was fully documented and explained.


I also expect that anyone intending fraud would not want to show any type of money flow. This could mean that the way it was presented might have indicated to a VO there is not fraud.

I think that if one presents it as part of the initial application, a cover letter is an excellent idea.

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