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For the brave at heart only

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Just in case some of you haven't been following the Oregon get together 4 thread that is pinned at the top of the general discussion forum ( see said same for details), the Oregon thing has gone national. It will be featuring famed guests from all parts of the world. there will be several of the infamous CA bunch along with Oregonites, sheepherders and animal lovers of all persuasions. Celebs will abound lead by the Donmeister himself (he said he's buying al the beer you can drink and will be available for an autograph session on Sunday-if we can learn him to make an X by then).


This promises to be THE event of the mullinea, a true extravaganza, the likes of which may never be legal in any western states again. Those who are week of heart need not apply.


Activities scheduled thus far will be the first annual sheep dipping contest and my, my favorite, the spelling bee which I hope to win. After I am victorious in the contest I will be offering spelling lessons and the semi-famous Triggctionary will be unveiled. But wait, THERE'S MORE!!!Carl will be donating his time and money in the traditional "fleece the west coasters pokerathon", kim will be on the barbie (not the doll the outdoor cooking thing and Dan will be advising posters on the using ten thousand words to say absolutely nothing.


But wait!! THERE'S MORE


I will guarantee that NO ONE, I repeat NO ONE will go home the same person they were when they came.


Soooo,, HURRY HURRY HURRY. make your reservation now before it is to late.







The viewpoints and guarantees wether explicit or implied do not reflect the philosophies of the management and may in fact all be lies.

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um er aaaaaaaaa hum mmmmmmmmm did I miss the date,time an place part? :lol:

Gee Darrell we have been talking about this for a month and a half or more. Call in sick pack up the wife and fly on out. It will be the event of the year. Besides we would love to have you.

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um er aaaaaaaaa hum mmmmmmmmm did I miss the date,time an place part? :lol:

Gee Darrell we have been talking about this for a month and a half or more. Call in sick pack up the wife and fly on out. It will be the event of the year. Besides we would love to have you.

Wish I could, I am still trying to plan and afford a honeymoon after 9 months of marrage, soon she will give up hope an go on one without me. :P

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um er aaaaaaaaa hum mmmmmmmmm did I miss the date,time an place part? :P

Gee Darrell we have been talking about this for a month and a half or more. Call in sick pack up the wife and fly on out. It will be the event of the year. Besides we would love to have you.

Wish I could, I am still trying to plan and afford a honeymoon after 9 months of marrage, soon she will give up hope an go on one without me. :P

Well then send her on her honeymoon and come on up tp Portland!!! It's gonna be AWSOME DUDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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