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Interviewer's Name

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In all the descriptions of visa interviews, I have never read anything about the names of the person giving the interview. Does anyone's SO ever say anything about the name of the person giving the interview?


Maybe there is a nameplate on the desk or table, showing the name? Or maybe the VO begins the conversation with something like "Hello so and so, my name is Mr/Mrs whatever ... etc ..."


At almost any office I would go for an interview or service, there would be a nameplate, or the person would at least introduce him or herself. The post office has nameplates, the bank has name plates.


I also wonder if anyone's SO has in fact asked this question of the VO? It would seem proper to take some interesting in the person who is interviewing you. But I wonder if the VO would reply that they are not allowed to give out their names (in case the do a poor job)


Just curious to see what other's have experienced with this.



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That's a very good question. I've never heard of any SO who asked or knew the name of the VO. I do know of one instance where the fiancee and fiance coincidentally met a VO in a social setting and they exchanged names.


I am also interested in knowing about this.

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If I am not mistaken, the interview is conducted at a numbered stall, with glass partition and a slit to slid documents through. It is used by different embassy folks at different times. I doubt the VO's have name tags.


I hate to say it, but I doubt the courtesy of a introduction / name is part of interview. Just another task to be checked off the to-do list.

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I hate to say it, but I doubt the courtesy of a introduction / name is part of interview.

You're right. Going to a VO for an interview is like going to the agent at the border crossing. If you ask for a name, you will probably get a "it's none of your &@%# business" look.

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I have never read anything about the names of the person giving the interview.

I also think posting their full name here would violate CFL posting guidelines. If known, is first name only OK??? acw

Don't post full name. First name is fine with description of VO.

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I guess I can understand the human nature to assign names to those we cannot get a name for, particularly if they are 'feared'... but maybe we also build up an unneccesary reputation for them. I'd prefer no names nor slangs, for any of them and treat them just like any other human... Some names are maybe offensive on some level, like the ones mentioned..

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Guest blsqueaky

What I can not understand here, they work for a govt agency. You call one of your creditors, and they give there name, the other day I had to call IRS twice, and before I could talk, they gave me their name and badge, or ID#, so why can GZ to the same??? Maybe they are afraid of the fallout that they might get is so and so was feels that they were treated bad, but you walk into the American citizen branch, everyone has a nameplate.

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What I can not understand here, they work for a govt agency. You call one of your creditors, and they give there name, the other day I had to call IRS twice, and before I could talk, they gave me their name and badge, or ID#, so why can GZ to the same??? Maybe they are afraid of the fallout that they might get is so and so was feels that they were treated bad, but you walk into the American citizen branch, everyone has a nameplate.

I agreed with previous comments that this is more like a border crossing scenario.. that person will not be chit chatting with you about names..


nor do they when you pass through customs... they are simply trying to get through as many people as they can... they ask you a question, stamp your visa and you move on.


I don't consider it rude in any way to not be given their name.. it could be policy for all we know.. I think we should not let this become a hot button for us, we're not going to change it...

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nor do they when you pass through customs...  they are simply trying to get through as many people as they can...  they ask you a question, stamp your visa and you move on.

My original post was just to get a general sense of how casual or formal the "interview" process is.


This comment now helps to make more sense to me now.


It is not so much an "interview" as it is a "review" of the material the VO already has, and if they have any questions or want more materials and information, that is when they ask the questions.

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nor do they when you pass through customs...  they are simply trying to get through as many people as they can...  they ask you a question, stamp your visa and you move on.

My original post was just to get a general sense of how casual or formal the "interview" process is.


This comment now helps to make more sense to me now.


It is not so much an "interview" as it is a "review" of the material the VO already has, and if they have any questions or want more materials and information, that is when they ask the questions.

I think that this is a fair statement and how I think about it as well... however impersonal it may appear or feel...

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