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how much time to provide add'l evidence?

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Hey Guys,


I am preparing for my SO's upcoming interview got a couple questions:


1. If initially denied and asked to for additional evidence, what is the time frame for providing this evidence? (one week???)


2. I recall hearing that the color code for the slip now has a new meaning, can someone update me with what the colors mean? (i want to prepare my SO, so she's not mislead when handed the slip.)


3. Should i go for the interview? (i know this i ultimately my decision, but i just want to hear some brief thoughts... thanks)... some quick facts about our case:

a. i have been to china 4 times

b. my parents have come to china to meet her and her mother. i have visited my SO's hometown 2x

c. her english is excellent, she is a college english teacher in china

d. i am newly employed (<1 year, finished grad shool 1yr ago), but it's a very good, stable job... i have a decent amount of saving and have letter's from employer and bank.

e. we have the typical huge mounds of photos, phone records, emails, and chat history


from what i understand about the interview, we seem to be able to present a

"strong" case, but with GZ i know anything can happen. what do you guys think?


Also, i have already bought a plane ticket to visit her one day AFTER the interview, just in case something goes wrong. if she passes, then i will cancel it and use it later. this kind of seems like the best option for me for now. it that ridiculous? should i just leave a couple days earlier?


as always, thanks guys...



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Guest Gene

1) I believe you have one year


2) Pink or Purple?


3) Go if you can, the excitement and joy you will feel when she comes out with the approval is inexplicable as is the excitment and content you will feel when you look at the new Visa together.


:blink: It's a "Kodak Moment" for sure :blink:

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Your 'case' seems very convincing... maybe keep a picture of the two families at the top of the pile for when the VO asks for pictures...


The color has been described by a few as "pink", but king described it as closer to purple.. So get your color gradient chart out and tell us a color name after you get it !!


As for going.. you mentioned maybe using it later.. when? Would she fly to US alone is your thought or you would go when she is ready to leave China?


If you have time.. I would not miss this event. And your there in the small chance of any issue coming up...

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Guest fhtb

I doubt you will have any problems unless there is some technicality.


I'm going to be there for the interview because I hear there is a lot of crime in Guangzhou and I don't want her to be mugged right before or after! I want her to feel as safe and relaxed and nurtured as possible going into the interview.


Besides, this is the start of our life together. The way I figure it, if I err on the side of being "over-considerate" in this last step of the process, she will remember this fondly for the rest of our lives! She may even tell our kids about how nice their daddy was when she was so nervous. The price seems cheap to me for the comparative benefit.


If you can't afford it, don't go. If you can afford it, do go. You will never regret being there for her.

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Your 'case' seems very convincing...  maybe keep a picture of the two families at the top of the pile for when the VO asks for pictures...


The color has been described by a few as "pink", but king described it as closer to purple..   So get your color gradient chart out and tell us a color name after you get it !!


As for going.. you mentioned maybe using it later.. when?  Would she fly to US alone is your thought or you would go when she is ready to leave China?


If you have time.. I would not miss this event.    And your there in the small chance of any issue coming up...



yeah, i think that's a great idea.... put the family photos up first. i thought about it before, but i never really mentioned it.


as for the plane ticket, right now i am taking advantage of NWA's "customer first policy"... i have two tickets purchased!! :D :D you have till the end of the next day to get a refund with no penalties... :P


one is scheduled for me to arrive before the interview, and one scheduled for me to arrive after the interview. At the very least, i will keep the one for after the interview.


here's my take on it:


1) going before the interview

Pros -- get to see her/support her during interview, VO will see i am there, and i get to see her come out smiling

Cons -- don't have much time after interview, should we run into problems...


2) going after the interview

Pros -- can be there with a better time frame to solve any issues. or, will be there to celebrate our success! :)

Cons -- won't be there during interview... VO will know. :(


3) not going for the interview... going at a later date:

i get to use my work vacation time more efficiently, so i'll be able to spend more time with her. i also maybe can meet her, and fly back with her... but of course, i could do all this EVEN if i go to the interview... and, if my boss allows it.... :blink: :unsure:

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I doubt you will have any problems unless there is some technicality.


I'm going to be there for the interview because I hear there is a lot of crime in Guangzhou and I don't want her to be mugged right before or after! I want her to feel as safe and relaxed and nurtured as possible going into the interview.


Besides, this is the start of our life together. The way I figure it, if I err on the side of being "over-considerate" in this last step of the process, she will remember this fondly for the rest of our lives! She may even tell our kids about how nice their daddy was when she was so nervous. The price seems cheap to me for the comparative benefit.


If you can't afford it, don't go. If you can afford it, do go. You will never regret being there for her.

good point about the safety issue...


also, when it comes to it, money isn't really the issue. the main reason i don't want to go is considering how it will look at my work... i just took off twice in one month! i have a relatively new job, so i just want to run as tight a ship as possible. :D


secondly, like i said in the last post... i can use my vacation more efficiently if i go later. i have 2 measly little weeks.... i value it greatly. it's like gold to me. :(


but, yes, yes, yes... vacation days pale in comparison to my SO... :blink: :unsure: :)

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All in all, your case is very strong.. so I wouldn't be concerned about the VO angle...


I'd only be concerned about your SO first. If she is like "no problem, I got it covered".. then seems like you can wait... if she is like my SO, who with puppy dog eyes said, "your going to be there, right".. then there is only one correct answer !!


In the end, ignore us all and follow your heart !!

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All in all, your case is very strong.. so I wouldn't be concerned about the VO angle...


I'd only be concerned about your SO first.   If she is like "no problem, I got it covered".. then seems like you can wait... if she is like my SO, who with puppy dog eyes said, "your going to be there, right".. then there is only one correct answer !!


In the end, ignore us all and follow your heart !!

my SO... the later, like your's. LOL


that exact quote "your going to be there, right?". i can hear it now. :D :lol:


yep, in the end, i will just do what i think is right. i do have all the info i need. i just have to mull it over in my mind for a little while, and then decide.


aaaaaand..... according to NWA's policy... "a little while" gives me just until tomorrow by midnight!! :lol: :lol:

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