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My dear friend, our dark days are over, may you and your lovely family have the best of lucks and that happiness always knocks at your door.  Thank you so much for all the support you have given me through the worst nightmare I have ever faced in my whole life.  Aloha.

:blink:  :lol:  :greenblob:  :redblob:  :redblob:  :greenblob:  :greenblob:

Does this mean your SO passed his interview?

I thought of you as soon as I started reading this thread.

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Thanks to all. Right now we are trying to pack for our flight back this weekend. Trying to convince her that she does not need all those clothes!! :lol: At least she could leave those winter clothes behind. :lol: Not having much luck though. Guess I'll be doing my impersonation of a Sherpa through the airports!! :lol:

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Yes, she does need all those clothes!!! BTW, have you been able to get seats in the same plane? Did you remembered to buy the a new set of sheets? Guys, thanks a lot for your good wishes, we still don't have a visa but hopefully soon I can give you some good news. Thanks so much for having us in your thoughts.

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