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David I side with sawadee on this. Requiring payment to post I think changes the nature of this community. It also limits input to paying members preventing people with good info (like 001 SOs and most Chinese [who pay accounts in person not over the internet]) from dropping in to let us know something of value.


THe other issue is that it makes this into a business which is not for us to decide.


A donation button allows for contributions which I think can be enough to maintain the site. Hosting has become cheaper and the bandwidtth available keeps growing as prices drop.


Of course these are only suggestions because it is not for us to decide. While the basic set up is still being worked out perhaps we should be concentrating on Blue Thingies and leaving other matters to Don and PJ. While we may be members here, I never received my voter's registration card.

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And what if the costs to run the webpage cannot be kept up.  What would you recommend then, shutting down?

Surely you can disagree or ignore my word, if you dont like the idea. But why are you in such an irritable manner? I was just giving my personal opinion, to help CFL to be a better site.

You are the first one that talk to me in such an unfriend way on CFL. :) :angry:

you disagreed with pauls email about idea of a membership fee... So I asked you which is better: not enough money or a membership fee?


And you say I'm irritable and unfriendly? It's a question. How did my question turn into an emotional response/issue?


I offered a long term perspective... Did you ignore my words??


If donations can hold up, that's great.. what if they cannot ? What is next? I would say that membership fees is a viable idea in such a case...


Your only thinking and talking short term (let everyone come and post for free) and I am thinking long term about the survival of CFL.


That does not make me irritable or unfriendly. It makes me a realist...


I'm not sure why you see this as an attack on you. What's up??

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ENOUGH!!! Don has enough on his plate without having to play referee. We can deal with chronicity later. The immediate fees for changeing host etc are paramount now. Email Don like he said if you wish to donate. lets NOT turn this thread into a personality thing!!!!


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I'm not sure why everyone is so on edge... suddenly we're playing referee ??


I think we're adding a bit of drama and acting like we're walking on pins and needles.. but it's not a personality thing. It's just a post.


And your's is just a post. There should be no issue to 'referee'...

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