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Trying to decide if all the vaccinations listed are needed...meaning I see the form shows about eleven different shots, at Guangzhou they only gave her three, will more be required for a K1? If so, which ones, or all on the form? My local civil surgeon is unable, or unwilling to answer this question...today.

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Trying to decide if all the vaccinations listed are needed...meaning I see the form shows about eleven different shots, at Guangzhou they only gave her three, will more be required for a K1? If so, which ones, or all on the form? My local civil surgeon is unable, or unwilling to answer this question...today.

there is only three needed-but they may need the booster for some. r.g. hep b or tetnis. My wife had to get one booster and stepdaughter one other from the civil surgeon last friday. I'll post the names of the vaccination later-don't wanna wake wifey up this early-too dangerous!!

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Okay, don't get hurt. I assume she had other vaccinations already? My fiance has had no shots at all except the three (unknown right now) at Guangzhou. The uscis webpage and I-693 form says the following,

The required vaccination are: mumps, measles, rubella, polio, tetanus, diphtheria toxoids, pertussis, influenza type B, hepatitis B, and any other vaccinations recommended by the Advisory Committee for Immunization Practices (ACIP). Current ACIP recommendations also include the varicella, haemophilius inlfuenzae type B, and pneumococcal vaccines.


She is making travel plans to get the booster in China, and I am saying unless she gets all the ones needed for later, she may as well save the travel trouble and just get them here....maybe, if it fits the budget mind.vs the ease of travel mind.

Thinking about this some more, my question is has anyone else found they needed to get all these shots listed on the USCIS webpage above for any reasons? Or just the three that the clinic in Guangzhou promotes( which I still need to find out what they were).

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Several shots on that list she is now older than some cut-off age set by the CDC, so they are not required. Several of the shots she is too young to require. Varicella (chicken pox) she won't require if she has had it as a child, etc. It sounds like the clinic in China knew what they were doing.


My local health department knew the shots required, as did my civil surgeon. At age 30, Jun required: Diphtheria, Tetanus, Mumps, Measles, Rubella, and Varicella. Since she had Chicken pox as a kid, no need for the Varicella. The Diphtheria and tetanus is given as one shot. The other 3, are given as the "MMR", so only 2 shots total... but according to my doctor the adult MMR requires one booster 28 days later. The civil surgeon took Jun's word about the Chicken pox, and listed "vaccinations complete" even though she had only had the first MMR... they may or may not do that in someone else's case, but the vaccination requirements should be the same.

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