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Sent Email To Ms. Harty

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I was just going to suggest the same thing. We should all write to Ms Harty and ask what is going on. I would hope that if the consulate in Guangzhou is doing this, that she would be aware of it and had approved it.


We should point out to her:


- Why has an extra 3 days been added to the already year long visa process?

- Why cannot the visa and passport be picked up the same day as the interview as someone already suggested here. That would certainly simplify the process and speed things up.

- Have they accessed the risk of theft now from the postal system. As someone has already mentioned here the value now of a passport with valid entry visa to the US must have a pretty high value on the black market. I am sure it would not be too difficult for someone to swap the photo and gain the a quick and easy entry into the US that way. Talk about an open door for terrorist to exploit!

- Reliability of the Chinese Postal System

- Is this now a standard procedure that will be implemented across all consulates issuing visas? Or is this just some brilliant idea of someone in Guangzhou that has yet to prove to work?


(any other logical reasons we see why this could be a negative change?)


In short, why does Guangzhou always have to be so counter productive, slow, inconsiderate to us American Citizens towards our loved ones?

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If we don't wait to give the new system a chance and the government a chance to see if it works any early questioning or complaint would only look like "Sound and fury signifying nothing". I work with government inspectors every day from several Departments. The thinking is all the same. Don't complain or ask before we have a chance to see if it was a good idea or not. You only hit up against a defensive attitude and a view that "you ask us to do something and when we do right a way you gripe before seeing what we did".


I think we just need to keep a close eye on this so we quickly learn how it works. Let it play out then see if this is an issue really worth a fight.

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Guest blsqueaky
If we don't wait to give the new system a chance and the government a chance to see if it works any early questioning or complaint would only look like "Sound and fury signifying nothing". I work with government inspectors every day from several Departments. The thinking is all the same. Don't complain or ask before we have a chance to see if it was a good idea or not. You only hit up against a defensive attitude and a view that "you ask us to do something and when we do right a way you gripe before seeing what we did".


I think we just need to keep a close eye on this so we quickly learn how it works. Let it play out then see if this is an issue really worth a fight.

Agree, but I see some problems

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Hey Bill,


To me, your first post sounds like a good idea. A single person has inquired for clarification and had told the rest of us about it... so we have one rep in a sense contacting her. But I think your second post of asking 'everyone' to write is maybe too early to do, and we 'need to wait to give the new system a chance'... Even if everyone's letter was a request for clarification, the sheer number would probably cause the wrong idea to come across.


I don't know the whole Hardy role.. so I am not sure if going quickly to this person will cause the wrong idea to come across, but let's see what response if any you get...

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