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Just got P3, what on earth is OF-167?

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I just got P3 today.


For anyone keeping track,


I DCF'ed I-130 in Chengdu on February 18th, (I'm on the CR-1 track)

got NOA2 on April 15th,

Got P3 on April 28th


In the P3, there is OF-230, I-864 (The affidavit of support), the check list (the heading on that is "IV instruction packet", and some info sheets. On the check list, it says that I have to return the checklist, signed, and checked, OF-230, and if I am not mistaken, I think I am also supposed to return OF-167.


OF-167 has the title "Evidence which may be presented to meet the public charge provisions of the law". It seems to be instructions about proving that my wife will not need to go on welfare. It mentions form I-134 ("Affidavit of support").


So, my question, what do I need to return with the P3? Do I have send back an Affidavit of Support with it? I know I have to bring I-864 to the interview, but do I have to send back I-134 now?


Sorry if my question is vague and probably been asked MANY time before... It's been a long day (I'm in Chengdu, so it's evening here).

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You need to send in the DS230, the OF169 (the checklist that you afirms that you have all of the necessary docs), and the P3 supplemental form.


Save the I-864 for the interview so that it will be current.


I was a K1 but I'm pretty sure this is all you need. Maybe someone else who did the I130 will help on this??

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Just about everything here is either K-1, K-3 or CR-1 with the petitioner in the USA....... there are a few DCF's that have done this already so hopefully you will get a response from one of them. In the mean time call DOS 1-202-663-1225, push the right buttons until you get a human and email the Guangzhou consulate..........

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Once again, thanks a lot!!! Last week you all saved me $165 on the K3 visa (I guess I really don't need it), this week you all helped ma again.


All of the forms they send are from 1998. I hope that will not be a problem. It seems strange. There ARE newer forms on the web. My parents are going to be a joint sponsor (since I live in China, my "offical" income is $0) and the form (I-864) they have is from 2001

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All of the forms they send are from 1998. I hope that will not be a problem. It seems strange. There ARE newer forms on the web.

I heard two interesting bits of information that tie back to each other... maybe an answer to why they have old forms they send and new ones on the net...


First I heard that the four copies of the G-325 are technically not needed as part of the packet anymore. My I-129F was only sent in with one copy...


Then I read somewhere in a newsgroup that an ex-INS officer said that when they get the G-325, they only keep the top copy and throw the other three away. When asked why they keep sending out the four carbon versions, he said they had thousands of them still, so it was a way to get rid of them..


So, they might be sending out old copies just to get rid of the inventory of them...

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Then I read somewhere in a newsgroup that an ex-INS officer said that when they get the G-325, they only keep the top copy and throw the other three away. When asked why they keep sending out the four carbon versions, he said they had thousands of them still, so it was a way to get rid of them..


So, they might be sending out old copies just to get rid of the inventory of them...

I downloaded my 325A off the internet and filled it out in Adobe PDF. It had 4 pages, but I only had to fill out the first and all the information was copied on the other three.


As far as I know, nothing has changed..... :lol:

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