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Birth Certificate

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hi,boys and gals,

I got a question about the different spelling in Pinyin of my birth certificate and wonder if anyone could help.

you know, one Pinyin can be written in over one Chinese characters sometimes, so my problem is my birth certificate shows that my dad's name is Wu Yun Zhao(ÎâÔÊÕÑ£©, but in the P3 and P4, I filled in as Wu Yun Chao. the different is Zhao and Chao, they both are correct according to the Chinese character, but I am kinda worried that it will be a problem. Should I get a new one?

Thank you in advance for your big help!!

Wishing all of the princes and princesses will (are living) live happily ever since like the fairy tale, it is all ended like this!! :-)

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You should avoid the huge headaches in the future. One little letter of the alphabet can cause the rejection of your application. In China you may be able to explain the reason of why the English spelling is different. In the US, workers in our government will deny your application if your documents don't have the exact spelling of the name. Since this is not your name that is spelled wrong it might not be as critical. If it was me I would change this to avoid any future problems if you have to list your father on an application again. Since this is post 9/11 things are scrutinized more. I'm just speaking on experience. My birth certificate has one letter that was different than my document on my family name. Try telling an American that the family names are spelled differently but the Chinese character or name is the same! They won't buy it.

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