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GUZ Consulate Is Moving

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Maybe it will make a positive long-term difference.  Call me selfish, but the next six months are what concern me most.  I am crossing my fingers and toes.  You would think that it would cause at most a two-week delay ... but no component of the immigration process seems to have a history of persevering in the face of problems.  Well, they persevere, in the sense that a glacier perseveres.  Am I spelling that right?  Persevere ... perservere ... persavere ... proceed!

James: I really don't want to rain on anybody's parade - I know how hard it was for me when I was waiting - but realistically, think about it - there was a 2 or 3 month delay at least when they did the relatively simple task of installing the biometric (fingerprint) scanners.


With this move they will have to either:

1. Set up an entire new computer system at the new location. This means either integrate the new into the old system without disrupting the old system (have both systems running concurrently) - not at all an easy thing to do especially when your computers are all networked and tied into very secure government agencies in both China and the US


2. Shutting down the old system, moving it to the new location and put it all back together again. Either way, you're looking at moving a small mountain of equipment and data connections, all being done by "paid by the hour Govt. employees".


Add in the fact that they have to move files, personnel and establish new logistics and procedures.


If there is a complete halt of all visa processing for a very conservative estimate of less than 2 months, I would be really suprized!! :blink:

I tend to agree with cosmiclobster on this one, but who knows when the move has or will begin to take place? The statement at guangzhou only states the schedule changes and new address will be "announced" on June 22nd. I guess we must WAIT as usual!!!!! till june 22nd to see.

As my grandpappy used to say, (To assume makes an A$$ out of U and Me). How true it can be :D Especially when it comes to Guangzhou :lol:

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Has anyone seen any information regarding visa pickup in regards to this move. My SO called me last night all upset about some post on 001 regarding not being able to pick up the visa's at the embassy any more. She thinks that you have to go to China post or that china post will mail them. I'm not sure she really knew what she was talking about, but would be interested if anyone has heard this

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Has anyone seen any information regarding visa pickup in regards to this move. My SO called me last night all upset about some post on 001 regarding not being able to pick up the visa's at the embassy any more. She thinks that you have to go to China post or that china post will mail them. I'm not sure she really knew what she was talking about, but would be interested if anyone has heard this

Immigrant Visa Section Begins to Return Visas by Mail

The Immigrant Visa Unit of the U.S. Consulate General in Guangzhou, China is pleased to announce the inauguration of a courier delivery and pick-up service for all immigrant visas issued from April 27, 2005. Courier delivery will offer convenient and timely return of immigrant visas through the China Post system. Visa recipients from within Guangdong Province will have the option of the Consulate mailing the visas directly to the applicant's home address. The visas may also be picked up at the designated China Post office on Shamian Island in Guangzhou, a short walk from the Consulate. Please note that applicants from outside of Guangdong Province must, for now, pick up their visa packages at the China Post office on Shamian Island near the Consulate. All immigrant visa recipients must use the China Post system for return of the visas. There will be a modest charge for this service. Details will be provided to each visa recipient on the day of their interview.

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Immigrant Visa Section Begins to Return Visas by Mail

Buffalo Paul: Operative word here is Immigrant Visa -

K visas are non immigrant - will not affect us.


As for the move, Mei and Mark are right - they will only ANNOUNCE the new location on the 22nd. Since someone just got an interview date for the 30th, things are status quo for this month at least!

Get them P4's SOON


Dan: Sorry dude, not much I can do for you!! :( :P :lol:

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all being done by "paid by the hour Govt. employees".



Ummm Cos.... government employees are paid not by the hour, but by salary. That is worse. No incentive.







but wait.. I think actually both are equally bad... :(


just wish US Citizens and their loved ones werent treated with so much disdain.

I think you got the idea here . . . hourly or salary VS paid once when the job is done.

I can just see it now -

3 chiefs for every indian! 3 guys supervising while one lowest paid guy is trying to figure out where the wires go (or went)!

Add in an executive to change all the plans mid stream . . . .

Mix in a few geeks from DOS sticking their fingers in the pie to use it as an excuse to get out of the office for a few weeks . . .

The options are endless but I'll stop here so as not to scare the weaker amongst us! :P :blink:

:lol: :lol: :lol:

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In the 3 years I have been watching this process the track record for GZ shows that everytime the system is fiddled with it creates a backlog until the new system is straightened out. Especially computer systems. For those just starting the process GZ moving can only be a good thing since they will hire more people to process visas. Those of you who will be caught in the midde of the move ie waiting for P-3 P-4 will probably experience a delay. No one knows for sure though.

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I'm sure all of the moving and setting up of the computers will be done by contractors, not government staff.

It will probably create some delay but who knows at exactly what point. We don't have a way of knowing if they plan to make the move as of June 22, or what. If so, I would think we start seeing any delays very soon -- in order to be moved in by June 22, you would have to start moving your stuff now. On the other hand, if they just plan to announce the new location then, and move after that -- then who knows (probably they don't even know.) But why would they do that? Why set a particular date on which to announce an anticipated move -- instead, they could just announce it now. So many questions -- no answers. It does bug me though ... we already had the bad fortune of filing a K3 at exactly the point when a huge delay was beginning at MSC ... at the time we filed we got married we could not have known there would be such a K3 delay. No regrets though, really ... we had our reasons for wanting to go ahead and get married rather than do the fiancee visa. You just have to go with what works for you ... and although these delays are not working for me, it will all be worth it in the end.

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James: I just wanted to say that hayuesen just got an interview date for June 30. From this we can say for sure that they will not be actually moving on June 22. My guess would be that the move will take place 1 or 2 months after the announcement.

I have noticed that when they announce a change, the change is usually set in the future by a month or two to allow people to accomodate the change.


On a more positive note, the prize at the end of the wait will be that much sweeter!

Good luck everyone!!

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I see what you are saying would make sense, but then I question why when I was there they told me they would make the move in June? But then again, who am I to question....the Great and Powerful you-know-who?

I figure we should see the affect of the move in the time lines within one to two weeks. hayuesen's date makes it look like this should not be a problem, but if what you are saying is the case, and if they continue their assigning pattern, we will see this in the time lines another four weeks from now, or eight weeks.

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Has anyone seen any information regarding visa pickup in regards to this move. My SO called me last night all upset about some post on 001 regarding not being able to pick up the visa's at the embassy any more. She thinks that you have to go to China post or that china post will mail them. I'm not sure she really knew what she was talking about, but would be interested if anyone has heard this


We've been talking about this on another thread:




My guess is that it is a cost-cutting measure. It is a way of "out-sourcing" distribution of the VISAs to the Chinese postal system. Reduces traffic at the consulate.


It may make sense from their perspective. From my perspective, it's a bit scary to me to think of my fiance's passport being put in China post. :ph34r:


- fhtb

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