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About Chris3

  • Birthday 07/06/1950
  1. Congrats!! BTW, what type is your visa? K or CR1?
  2. I am Chinese. Well, I think this is just culture thing. Yes, we like to check the expiration date of food and other things. I think that is because sometimes we can find things that is expired in China. And we don't like to eat or take it if it is expired.
  3. I just read the GREAT news on 001 that one recieved her P4 today,(mailed out yesterday) which p3 is on Apr 5( this year!!!) with interview date on July 7th. The other's GG called DOS and got a reply that they have had an interview date in the computer system and I think soon she will recieve her p4. Wait wait.... can't wait. Hope we will have some good news!! Chris's MM
  4. Has anyone heard or received anything on P4's. It seems like nothing has happened in the last two weeks. Our P3 was received in GZ around mid-April. I was hoping for a June P4 and a July interview. I feel so helpless in this situation. I have tried everything I can think of, but GZ will not respond with anything definitive, not even a good guesstimate. HELP!
  5. Is there any more information on receipts of long awaited P4's. The list of those waiting along with their P3 and P4 dates is very helpful to all of us who long to hear any news. Thanks for the work in researching and updating. Chris
  6. Thanks Jim. That's exactly what I was looking for. Chris3
  7. I thought I had seen a list of about 85 visa interview questions and suggested answers somewhere on the forum. I have looked over and over anc can't seem to find it. If anyone knows where it is or if they have other data on typical interview questions, please let me know. Chris3
  8. The best way I have found to send money to China is to do an international bank wire of funds. I have sent up to $7,000 for only a $45 fee from my bank. The other person needs to have a bank account in China and needs to provide the bank address in pinyin, the account number, the SWIFT code for transfer. Your bank can help with the data needed and can advise their fee structure.
  9. Hi Jim, I copy the reply from GZ yesterday. This MM's p3 was received by GZ on April 13th. And mine is April 12th. I hope we all have good news from GZ sooooooooon!!!!!!! Good luck! Chris's MM Dear Ms. xxxx Thank you for your email. Your case is ready for an interview. We will arrange an interview soon, which may hopefully occur in this July. However, this is only a rough estimation. We cannot predict now exactly when will be you interview date. Please be assured that once the interview date is set, we will notify you by EMS.
  10. [color=blu Hey you guys, I am Chris3's MM. He is too busy so I got his password so I could follow this topic. I am from Northeast of China, Liaoning Province. I am waiting for P4 now. I really hope that we could make some friends in the US when I get there. I know 2 or 3 girls on the 001 forum and they are going to MS or LA. I don't know if their GGs come here. David, I guess your MM is probably one of the girls I contacted with. Just got an exciting news about the P4 on the forum today and we are very excited. Hopefully we will recieve the P4 very soon. And your MMs will come to be with you guys very soon also.
  11. I am a new member of the forum and do not know if this is the correct place to post this topic. My Chinese finacee will probably be coming to the US this summer. We are just awaiting the interview date in GZ which should be in May or June. I live in Jackson, Mississippi and would like to have the chance for me and my female Chinese finacee to meet other couples and establish some friendships. We are both very excited and have waited a long time as have many others. Thanks
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