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  1. Thanks, We have already took a trip together already so she already has an entry/exit under her belt so I think the her entry next time should go smoothly. My concern is that lets say 2 years down the road, and we are legally married, and we decides to go for a visit, will we run into any troubles? and lets say 5 years down the road we do decide to stay longer in the states how will our marriage status effect any type of future visa/resident application? Bottom line is that we like to have the flexibility of entry and exit at will, what is the best route to take as we haven''t really done anything yet, would like to do it right from the beginning and not regret later on. Thanks
  2. Hi All, First time posting, hope this isn't a repost. My situation/question is. If I (US citizen) get married in the states to my Chinese citizen wife while she's on tourist visa, and we leave the states after the marriage. Next time entering the states, what type of visa does she need? If to enter just for couple weeks will another tourist visa suffice? or will we run into trouble with that. The situation is that we like to get married in the states but don't plan to live in the states in the near future but would like to keep our options open. How will this effect her future entering and exiting US? What do you guys think the best route to take and any suggestions is appreciated. Thanks James
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