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  1. Thanks a lot for the additional information. I have SSN for the professor in US wants to pay me student stipend. So that should be ok.
  2. Hi folks, First entry. Leaned a lot from CFL. Thanks for the gathering and sorting of info and especially personal, true, experience shared. I met my fiancé while studying in the US. We were engaged at the time but not married (now regret). Because I am under the 2-year-homecountry-stay rule, due to a previous J1, we have been separated for more than a year now (only saw each other twice by traveling). We are looking forward to the day that we will finally be together. So as to the visa, K-1 visa seems obvious, a little slower and less securer than CR-1 as I have read. A headache is the CCP problem. A better chance of such relief could be attained by marriage as read. Another option is for me to fly over (I do have a B1/2 available), get married, and then return to China, and wait the two years out, while waiting for CR1. It does seem that CR-1 has a better chance than K-1, especially with the CCP complication. Different sayings have appeared online. Some say it's a visa fraud by marrying on tourist visa. Some say it's alright as long as don't apply AOS right away, just go back to home country. Some say it will "look bad" and give a hold to the authority. I personally don't mind fly over at all. But is it really helping by getting married? Thanks ahead~
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