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Posts posted by Joecy

  1. Joecy, that song is a very easy one to sing with children..."the do wah diddie didde dee diddy do" chorus is easy to remember and is a good example of the "hook" that musicians often use to get their songs accepted. In this case the hook, and the storyline, made it a perfect song for parents to sing with their kids.


    When I first started taking my daughter to NC she was one year old. I'd talk for hours to her, play some music and sing with it to her...and pull of the road to change her diapers. While she couldn't talk with me she would laugh and gurgle...in between the bottles of formula I had for her. She pretty much grew up on the road with me.


    Once she started talking we would do games like counting large trucks, etc,....I remember her words "Big truck daddy" when she would see another one for her count. The road trips between Maryland and NC, Baltimore to Pennsylvania, and Baltimore 50 miles west to my home and to my parents home, now that I look back at it really gave us a lot of one on one contact in those early years. No cartoons on TV or her playing with toys....strictly one on one talking and playing word and "car" games with no outside distractions..


    Once Ahrial got into kindergarten at age 4 we started doing math problems. Starting off with simple addition problems leading up to addition problems where you had three of four or more lines to be added sitting on top of each other. She would do one problem, I'd check her answer and then she would want another problem....on and on for as long as an hour and a half at a time before she tired of it. Once she was in first grade we got into simple fractions and multiple and division problems.







    Counting big truck sounds fun! I would do that!

    Such a wonderful time to be focus on your kid.


    Rawknee, you are a good daddy!

  2. Joecy, this is one of my favorite Chinese song. Liren downloaded all the Chinese songs so she may have changed some of the names. I hope that you recognize it.





    It's beautiful!

    Funny that I never liked it when I was in China, cause the song is too popular! But now, hearing the familiar tune , the street view of China just came back. Thanks for digging that out, Larry.


    Does Liren speak Cantonese?

  3. Catherine, no we didn't go to restaurants at all!


    First night camping, we had hot dog and ramen noodle(方便面). We have a tiny gas stove, boiled some water to make the noodle. Gosh, it was good to drink something hot and salty!


    2nd night, we rent a lake front cabin, we switched the ramen noddle to paste+tomato sauce. Oh it's good to cook on a modern stove!


    3nd night, we were supposed to leave. But all the food we brought from grocery store couldn't fit into out stomach! How I wished we had that much to eat on the 1st night!!!

    • Like 2
  4. :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: love that video!


    Thanks guys! You are super awesome!


    Compare to the video I posted on my wechat,

    1. My dad gave me a little heart

    2. One friend said why did you challenged so many people?

    3. Only my challenger gave warm & exciting encouragement, like you all did here!


    What a difference!!!


    Here's the response from people I nominated:

    1. Didn't have ice

    2. Don't dare to do so, and big crying face.

    3. The rest didn't say a word yet.....


    Americans seems really know how to have fun and cheer for others :flowers_and_kisses:

  5. Sorry guys, it's all in Chinese.

    I received the challenge from my friend in China this morning. Pounding on it for a day, watched enormous ALS video, and decided to be the fool. Actually the hardest part is deciding who to challenge next.


    My challenge went to the You May volunteers, I hope our Chinese women living in the US will:

    - care for others

    - face challenges

    - take action


    Once my 7-yr-old heard the word: ice bucket, she decided it is fun and she had to do it.

    She challenged my parents and my husband. Now he was challenged twice, 1 from me.

    Will he take the challenge?? :happydance:


    • Like 2
  6. Catherineli, she is 13 now.


    Joecy, please understand her mother was against those story books, because after all they were not math and science. But those books helped her way more. Over in China, The Little-One endured being made fun of in school by the other kids, because her mom started her off in the 2nd grade, skipping the first grade, so she was younger and smaller. Then there was homework until midnight over there. Though they came to America, her Mom was 'Chinese old school thinking' and resisted her daughter playing with friends, or having fun on vacations. So, the little girl was determined to be an American and make friends anyway. She was a fanatic about reading. It taught her how to get along and to understand every joke and the daily life and talking. She charmed her way into the student council, & we helped with the posters a little, as her speech was just so-so in front of all the kids. But she won, and was popular, and the principle wanted to adopt her. But all of these things were her idea. I saw how she worked the principle and office people and teachers. She was the best politician I ever saw. :D I almost felt sorry for the adults working in that school.


    Now she lives in another school system up in Plano, TX, one of the best. (Which is not good for the top Universities her Mom wants her to go to. Class ranking, in a lesser school, is more important than what Highschool you go to , IN THE USA!!! Some Chinese figured that out, and moved back OUT OF Plano and into a lesser school, so their child will be ranked #1 or in the upper crust.) It also has a HUGE Asian population, so she is back in the middle of the pack again, a year younger than her peers. Now her Mom understands America better, and worries that she does not have enough friends or get along with others so well. But, life isn't so bad now. They have a peace between them. Mom and Daughter had to learn, so they can get along. She achieved getting into the highest orchestra in the school, yet she has zero pitch ability and sings like a horse, haha, and she knows it, but she got good on the viola. Playing a music instrument was required in Plano. This next year she will be one of the girls swinging the flags around during half time at the football games. So, not the big time leader anymore, but I suspect she is waiting to go to college and then be herself again. I hope all this enduring the huge study crap at school has not killed her energetic personality. School can certainly take creativity out of a kid. Some of our best leaders don't have a college degree, you know.


    All the Chinese moms are the same , mostly are "Tiger moms" who wanted to stuff their kids with knowledge we believed useful - to get to higher education and get well paid job, so definitely a lot of math, instruments (piano & violin, not so much band instrument cause no every middle school/high school has a band, and there's no football )


    We are not bought up in a fun & interactive way, our parents don't play with us, cause their parents didn't play with them.


    But I still think we can learn, a funner way.


    My 7-yr-old saw me do the ASL ice bucket challenge, and she did the same.

    Ask her way, she said: I don't know why, but I just want to do it. "

    • Like 2
  7. I intended to go. I was only 15 at the time and had it in my head I was going to hitchhike there. I went out to the highway and stuck my thumb out and lo and behold along came some friends of mine in a tricked out 39 Chevy pickup painted purple (after Purple Haze). They were on their way to McCall Idaho and had some window pane with them. I decided McCall was lots closer than New York so I spent 3 days tripping in the woods. I still remember all the patterns in that shiny purple truck.

    Does anyone still hitchhike today?

  8. I miss you guys too! You are all so warm and it DOES felt like back home again!!


    I'm still struggling on balancing my time between child care, my little none profit magazine adventure, exercising to take care of myself and having food on the table. Now I have to go grocery shopping. Just decided to plan dinners for a week, so I don't waste time on grocery shopping.


    Please bare with me if my response is slow. But I'm trying to be here everyday in the workday :)

  9. Well for me I just love to drive as long as I have a car that I enjoy driving. I enjoy looking at the scenery. We have recorded about 12 CD's with maybe a couple of hundred songs both english and Chinese that we both enjoy. We also have an MP3 player hard drive in our car radio system that store thousands of songs.


    I don't think that Chinese people are accustomed to travel by automobile but that is changing very fast. The younger Chinese generation are being brought up with cars in the family. For you it probably will take some getting use to and perhaps you may never like it. I don't know. As for the wife she had just as soon stay at home and NEVER leave not even to go into the yard. I'll bet that in the 14 years that she has lived here she has been in the back yard no more than a dozen time.


    By-the-way welcome back we missed you and the other girls. I know that Christineli is on a trip to her family reunion so she should be back very soon. I hope she enjoys herself immensely.

    Great idea to have Chinese and English burned in a CD! So unfair for me to listen to English songs all the time, time for my husband to learn some Chinese tunes!!


    I was at home for 2 weeks, didn't go out much, didn't meet other people face to face, only talk on phone. I thought I would be fine cause I kept talking to people on phone, but by end of the 2nd weeks,I started to cry. I wasn't sure what's wrong, thought I just missed China, miss my friends, miss going out with them. Then I realized I was very depressed not being able to see people face to face.


    I think people, especially women need to be connected and be social.

    • Like 1
  10. Welcome back! We missed you. My wife usually sleeps most of the way. She listens to her Chinese CDs and takes pictures out the window. We stop and get out if we see something interesting. Occasionally we take a 425 mile trip to Idaho to visit friends and family. When we do we stop up on the summit of the Blue mountains and have a picnic at the rest area. Another good way to pass time is to listen to books on CDs or watch a movie on your laptop.

    Very romantic to stop and have a picnic!

    We have been munching on snack bars and skip meals, just trying to get to places.


    Got to tell my husband to SLooooooow down from time to time, just to enjoy the journey.

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