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Posts posted by Jaseball


    Ahh you du man, a mans man. I am glad that you are here now and can teach us whimps how corral and train these Chinese dragons.


    Now before you get your underwear in a wad I am just teasing you a bit but you do come on a bit macho, let me guess you are from Texas?





    I don't make a very large distinction between American and Chinese women. Understand the culture, know there are differences, but we're all human.


    Don't believe in being macho or calling other folks names. It's just from personal experience that a man should be understanding, loving, have a sense of humor and being willing to change is ok, but there are limits and lines that should not be crossed.


    The women I've known tested me all the time. Pushed my buttons and seemed to want to know how far they could push and if I had any boundaries and if she could get me to change my boundaries once they were found.


    What has my wife changed?


    Mainly my outlook and goals. It isn't just me now. It's the two of us and I have someone to care for and look after. God willing we may one day have kids and this would be a major change as well.

  2. Pretty sure I've changed my wife far more than she has changed me.


    Never appreciated the American media stereotype of American guys being stupid, lazy, only interested in sports, beer guzzling, pansies who cater to their wife who wears the pants in the family.


    Not going to put up with my wife dictating how things run in my life either.


    Guess this sounds harsh, but in reality I view it as an equal partnership. I'm fine with change. As long as the change can be shown to be beneficial to the both of us or is just a better way of doing things.

    Please forgive me in advance but I just have to say it.


    You sound just like some of the guys in Problems & Partings.






    That's funny. I have a very different opinion of what sorts of guys and relationships end up in that forum.

  3. Pretty sure I've changed my wife far more than she has changed me.


    Never appreciated the American media stereotype of American guys being stupid, lazy, only interested in sports, beer guzzling, pansies who cater to their wife who wears the pants in the family.


    Not going to put up with my wife dictating how things run in my life either.


    Guess this sounds harsh, but in reality I view it as an equal partnership. I'm fine with change. As long as the change can be shown to be beneficial to the both of us or is just a better way of doing things.

  4. Face it guys...... It seems that Chinese women do have one fault - they like to portray a "rich image". And to them this includes owning at least one LV handbag.


    I don't mind the handbag so much - but it cost about half the cost of the handbag to get a matching "wallet"...... This kind of bugs me because why spend $700 on a wallet that nobody but a cashier is going to see. Ha Ha






    I guess, but sporting a 1-2K bag, but wearing normal clothes or driving a 15 year old Civic and going home to a rented place really makes no sense.


    Unless you really are wealthy enough to support a luxurious lifestyle where tossing out $2K for a bag is like pulling out $2 to buy a pack of gum, then you just can't come close to all the other factors that are necessary for a 'rich image.'


    I guess it just really isn't logical.


    The food thing I wouldn't stand. One thing I pride myself upon is being able to come very close to extremely high end dining experiences. I'll go to 5 star or Michelin star restaurants, wine/food pairings, food festivals, and one of the things I love most is experiencing new dishes or cuisine and then duplicating it at home.

  5. At first from the title, I thought she wanted LV luggage for the trip! I never understood buying expensive luggage for the airlines to throw around.

    Not to stray off topic, but I never understood how my wife could be so penny consoius, but then be perfectly willing to drop 2 grand on a LV hand bag. :blink:




    Dunno, but I've seen plenty of folks who drive heaps, don't own a home, but sport LV bags. Plenty of fake ones out there as well as any person from China knows.


    I understand having a nice bag or a few bags is important to many women. Heck, it's better than one guy I know. He's a doctor and his wife expects/demands a new expensive bag - monthly. Feel sorry for that guy, since I'm sure that isn't her only demand.

  6. I'd go to Costco. Buy a bottle of scotch for the father. Depending on the age of the brother I'd get a pen, watch, baseball cap.


    I'd also buy those $12 bulk candy bar things there. Has like 25 bars or packets of skittles for kids or even adults who haven't really tried American candy.


    Vitamins are also good. Like a multivitamin.

  7. I think you really miss the point.


    Are the chances more likely to pass an AOS through GUZ or USCIS?


    USCIS knows the visa has been issued by the time they do it... they would need to have a 'really big shoe' to toss at you to deny the AOS.


    GUZ will toss a stingy sock just because you forget the freshener in the dryer...


    Look at hundreds of cases over a few years and you'll see that it's better to dry clothes (AOS) on delicate (USCIS) than on high heat (GUZ) :blink:



    You're right. I'm just looking at things from the K1 experience we had. I'm not sure how the K3 works, but if it is GUZ doing an AOS then I'm sure the financial docs and current income would be areas they focus on and base denials for.


    If I were in GUZ doing an AOS in my current unemployed state I would bet we would have been denied.

  8. Don't have to have the passport expired to renew it. If you want to travel in November, then just renew it in advance and go.


    However, I'm with the others. Why travel at peak periods with the extra costs, additional travelers, exposure to flu, etc., when you can just wait and travel later?


    We already have a vacation booked for Hawaii with a good friend and his family, but looking back I don't really want to go in November, even though it is a good time period to go to Hawaii to escape the cold of winter.

  9. I know why she picked me. I'm good looking, have a great sense of humor, know where I am going in life, am realistic, treat her better than she treats me, but I don't put up with any BS.


    Your own self worth, happiness and future should never be dependent on anyone else. We should all strive to be the best we can be as people, citizens, and individuals and make sure we care for and love ourselves because in the end everyone dies alone and no let down is worse than letting yourself down.

  10. I was gainfully employed when filing my K1, but have been unemployed while filing AOS and went into the interview. My assets were enough to get the adjustment, but I'm pretty sure if I were in the same boat while starting this process it would be a different story.

    that's quite useful to know. I'm glad you shared that.


    The visa interview is through DOS/GZ. To issue or not issue a visa is in their hands...


    but we all should remember that AOS in the US is through USCIS... it's more a formality on some level.



    Oh, it isn't a formality. They really want to make sure there is almost ZERO chance your loved one can pull any sort of government assistance and you can support them.


    You're right about the separation between GUZ and in US thought. In GUZ they are looking for ANY excuse to deny or delay.


    In the US we already used the issued visa to enter the US. We've already married and fulfilled that aspect of the K1. If they don't grant AOS and give the 2 year conditional green car what do they expect me to do?


    Have my wife deported out of here? No, they know I will do everything I possibly can to keep my wife with me and it saves them the trouble.


    Still, as I wrote in my AOS experience the people were very professional, efficient, thorough and friendly and I have no complaints.


    My GUZ experience was far more stressful and we were jerked around, but US employees there did step in and help out as well and for that I am grateful.

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