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  1. I don't have a problem being apart from him 6 months but two years is a bit much. We have done a long distance relationship in the past, which is fine for a period of time, but I have had enough of it. Although we are serious, marriage is something we want to wait on. He is still a bit young to be getting married. Yes, I know it would be legal to marry in the States, but at 21 that is still below the legal mariage age for Chinese men.
  2. thanks for all the replys so far. I am actually an american citizen. I have been in and out of China for several years now and want to return to the US to do my master's. We are not interested in getting married at this point. How many months do tourist visa's ussually last? Can you get them renewed or extended in the States? If he could stay at least 6 months that would be great. We can do long distance for a couple months, but I don't want to be apart for a year. Also he can't speak any English.
  3. Hi everyone! I know this is a pretty common topic, but I could really use some helpful advice. I am thinking about going to grad school in the states, the problem is I don't want to do the whole long distance thing again. I want to bring my boyfriend back to the states with me. I know it will be difficult for him to get a tourist visa. I have read a lot of forums about this topic, and I know he has to have bank statments and ties to China ect. but everything listed on these websites are usually too general. Does anyone have suggestions? How can we convince the VO that he will return to China? My boyfriend and I have been together 6 years. He is only 21 so he doesn't have any money or assests. His parents just built a new house, would that be of any help to him? How do I show that I will take care of him finacially? Also he hasn't had a job for over a year ( he was injured and hasn't worked since). He is a hair stylist, if he did start working again and got a letter from his boss would that be of any use? or is this kind of employment not substantial enough? All of his family is in China, but they are all farmers. Could we argue that he will come back to China because all his family is there and as the eldest son he has a postition of responsiblity to his family? thanks in advance for any suggestions or insight you have!! do they do the visa interview in Chinese?
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