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Posts posted by ama537621

  1. I will be getting my ex pat contract within the next couple of weeks. Is anyone willing to look at it so see if I forgot anything? I will delete any confidential information but the basic information will be there.





  2. LOL, The first thing my wife said when she turned on the stove was. Not enough flame is it broken?


    Second thing was fan to slow house smells long time after I cook.


    When we get back from out stay in China I am going to have to buy a bigger exhaust fan.

  3. You could look into a multi city ticket. If you are willing to have a night near arport. You can arrive in JFK one day and pick a flight out the next? Or do what I had to do.


    For my current trip I booked 1 round trip ticket BUF-HKG, with a month gap from arrival to departure. Then I booked a second ticket HKG-HYD that fit into the gap. I was able to save 2100 dollars by doing this instead of booking multi city tickets. You should be able to use a low cost carrier from Clevland to NYC. Then make a long layover for the jump to China. The only hassle about this is on my flight back to the states I have to go thru Hong kong Immigration get my bags check them back in with another carrier then go thru exit immigration. I planned a 5 hour layover to accomplish this. So I should have plenty of time



    rw - corrected sp.

  4. Shenzhen is a Ghost town, The middle of the major electronics selling section of town and we can walk without running into people, the only bad things are half of the stores Yuan wanted to visit are closed today, and no banks open to exchange good old ben Franklin to RMB. I wanted to exchange some money at the airport but as you can guess my wife said to expensive here . Good thing she kept her bank account in China.

  5. BAMA,


    I also have CROHN's you should at least look into medicare coverage, the last thing you want is a severe flare up and you end up having to have a bowel resection, then you will out of work for at least 8 weeks while you recover.


    I understand about not wanting to have a child in your position, I would also feel the same way.

  6. I speak a little, my wife keeps yelling at me stop playing games study Chinese.


    Work will provide a translator while I am on the shop floor, after work I am on my own. But Shanghai is a pretty western area so I should do ok until I can firm up my Chinese. Yuan will be spending the time until the baby comes with her family in Xingning so I will be solo for 3-4 months. Then we get to deal with USCIS again for the baby's passport and CBA.

  7. Doug,


    It was blind luck for me. I was talking to an engineer at work who designs new assembly lines that I was completely bored at my current job and if he heard anything to keep me in mind.


    It turns out that my company is expanding in a joint venture in China and they need someone with my expertise to help install a line we are selling them. they are also building a enamel line that is modeled after the one I worked on and helped get the "bugs worked out of".


    The china aspect is going to be a blast, there is however a negative side to the job.


    I have to go help out our factory in Shahabad India near Hyderbad to get a line we sold them last year running more smoothly. thank-god the India trip went from 4-6 months to 3-4 weeks. When the most important thing that you put in your carry on is toilet paper, stomach med's anti malaria medicine, and insect repellant you know the trip is not going to be any fun,


    On the plus side I get to watch the wildlife run thru the factory as there are only 2 walls. :crazy:


    When I figure how to upload pictures without them coming up the size of a postage stamp I will install some in a gallery.

  8. I am not a teacher.


    The per Diem is what my company provides to cover food and internet/telephone service while I work overseas. I will be working as a temporary production manager of a new factory. I will be helping to install 2 assembly lines and training the locals to run the machinery in an efficient manner.

  9. That is my Per Diem, not my Salary. I want to be able to save my entire salary to be debt free when I finish my contract and we return to the USA. It is good to know that the Per Diem will cover our of pocket expenses to increase our savings potential.

  10. Here is what the company will pay for


    Housing, including water, gas, electricity.


    My Per Diem for India was 25 dollars a day, I will find out soon the amount for China, that works out to 155RMB a day, or 4650 RMB a month, give or take a little depending on the days in the month.


    My location will be in


    Zhangyan,Jinshan District,Shanghai


    I know what Shenzhen would cost but have no idea of the prices in Shanghai.

  11. Yeah I told my wife that yesterday, big mistake telling a 37 year old first time mother that we should of waited and and gotten married in China. lets just say she went to warp speed to you do not love baby. we would not have the baby if we did that. I then told her we still would have the cat to take care of. :bangin: It was a very quiet ride home from buffalo.


    If I would of known about the china job I would of done things very differently. But life can and does throw me curve balls. 1070 aos 455 reentry permit 4 trips to buffalo with a days vacation each and we still need to go back again for another biometrics. On the plus side we get to go to the HOOWA store to stock up on her favorite foods a lot.

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  12. Well the fourth Infoapss appointment was the charm, we found out that the CSC never scanned her paperwork into the system. So when it arrived at Buffalo they were able to process the forms up to a certain point but not finish the process. The officer said after the last appointment he just had to click 2 buttons and she would of been finished.

    But alas that is not my luck. So now they have to send the entire packet with his approval information by mail so it can be scanned so they can generate the paperwork to print her actual GC.


    They did stamp her passport for us so we can apply for her reentry permit. I just hope they will accept the copy of her passport with the stamp in it instead of the actual GC.


    Ohh more great news. Just received information that they transferred her paperwork to another office for processing. But the status still shows initial review.


    I have a bad feeling about the reentry permit application.


    I am so glad I have no hair on my head to pull out at this point. :Dah:

  13. Beachey medical care is available anywhere in the world, we will be in Shanghi and I assume there will be some good hospitals there.

    Your other points I will add to my HR list.



    Dnoblett, I am trying my best for the I-131, we had 3 infopass appointments about her GC, Buffalo said on the 18th that she would have her GC within 10 day's. I assume he meant 10 working day's. The day after her GC arrives we will be filing for her I-131 with an expedite request. Buffalo will allow her to do an early Biometrics we just need to get the appointment, make an infopass appointment and get it done. She cannot fly past mid feb due to pregnancy, I have a business trip to India early feb and we want to move her over then. USCIS is driving us crazy atm. I know we are cutting it close on the paperwork.

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