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Everything posted by tonyontherock

  1. Tibet, China, Taiwan, Chinese, American, Japanese, Tianmen Square, I mean, who cares. This New Years eve I was hoping to watch the fire works and they darn cancelled it becuase some people died in Indonesia or something. What a bum! People these days are taking things too seriously. They had it all over the TV that some old Chinese man died. I mean, I would be pretty happy if I could live till 85. He looked kind of familiar and I think I might have even seen him once somewhere before. So what? Lots of people die. Lots more will one day or another. I just hope they won't close down the bars or night clubs or something because he died. This weekend I am going into China again for fun. It was pretty boring TV any way. At least during the last storm thingy there were interesting pictures to watch or read about people telling stories on how their loved ones got washed away. I love dramatic scenes. The death of an old man is not! I don't really care who Tibet belongs to or Taiwan belongs to . But if there is a war and I can watch some interesting footage on TV, I am all for it. YOu guys are getting a bit too serious about things. Tianmen Square was the worst tourist spot. I went there like two years ago. Nothing to see!! Just an empty lot. Why can't they build like a huge out door cafe or something with semi-nude girls dancing on that platform. It would be a lot more fun.
  2. Once thing I don't understand is immunization. With such high income, why can't the U.S. provide better immunization? I remember when my son was born and within the first 6 months he was given basically all the shots for free. Concerning child birth care, I think it is more of a cultural issue. In China, it is looked at as something really important. The woman is not allowed to stand or shower and is treated as if she just came back from almost being killed by some deadly virus. The good side effect of it is much better care of the mother and the baby.
  3. Talking about June 4. I was there! But now I see nothing, I know nothing and I would not tell anything! I, like a lot of my friends, are into trying to make money now. Like the Spanish civil war and those who volunteered, June 4 to many is the past. In the present, every June 4, I celebrate with my gf. We celebrate the day we met, we celebrate life, without fire crakers.
  4. How many times have you heard, " ...this is China". Too many times by far. Heard it before I left for U.S. Heard it again when I returned to China. That is the only thing that saddens me when I travel across the border on weekends. On a lighter note about New York. I once had a client coming to court with a happy fisherman tee shirt on. On the front was this man standing in the water fly fishing with his thing out and a fish sucking on it. The client came to court for a child custody case. Another occassion, a girl came to court in a miniskirt, on her smooth leg were tatooed paw prints that you would find on the walks in a zoo. The tatoos lead to between her legs. I found that pretty cute. A man I saw around time square had a taoo on his face, in black the Chinese character "Ji", a character used at funerals. That looked pretty cool too. In my earlie years, when I was in Canada, I taught my roommate a Chinese greeting word "mou mou ni nai zi". He practiced it on a 12 year old daughter of the local Chinese grocery store owner at the store. Poor Jeff came back really scared. The girl's dad was around and chased him out with a meat clever. (literal translation: touch touch your nipple) There are a few difficult sounds for Chinese speaking person, Bad-bed, vest-west, and v, f, th, in general. For Cantonese speaking people and some northeast dialects, the "l" sound is troublesome. Also, for Cantonese, "-ng" sound is used oftern becasue of the cantonese tendency to use the "-ng sound" like "ing" "eng" "ong". When I find it I will post the ads found in other parts of the world that have funny English usage in it.
  5. I've said it before and I'll say it again: Broccoli-- It's what's for breakfast! Asparagus, did I miss it? or there is none in China? Mix the broccoli in the pancake?
  6. Pizza: What is so hard about making some decent pizza? I lived mostly in Italian neighborhoods while in the States. We had a departure party yesterday and they ordered pizza. Man, even the ones they sell at Cosco tastes better. This is Hong Kong. I have not tried it in China yet.
  7. The thing I miss the most in term of food here is lamb chop, cooked medium rare. The steaks are much too rubbery most of the time. Also I did not find Godiva anywhere. What do you miss the most in terms of food while in China?
  8. Use my gym membership set up a stake house in Nanning get sufficient funding and obtain an license for a STD clinic in Dongguan let one lucky (or unlucky) woman to wear that white gown conclude my distribution/franchise licensing agreement for China work towards quitting law!
  9. How General How Broad How Typical How True!
  10. talking about teaching, does any one teach in Shenzhen? Especially English to little kids or have information on kindergardens in English?
  11. Dong Guan is a crazy place, known as the new redlight district. A few things you really got to watch out for. 1). Never, never get on one of those motorcycle cab. 2). Never order a girl over the phone 3). Never show a lot of money or camcorders, etc in a remote place 4). Never fight back if some one is holding a knife or if there are more than one against you.
  12. Talking about crazy traffic, did any one try driving in China? You do need a strong heart.
  13. Originally from China and loving it here now. I have learned that most girls in Shenzhen at least prefer if I would spend the night over. That is good enough for me. Divorce after a 21 year dating/marriage to a Chinese girl from my high shcool who later some how became jewish, I came back trying to find myself another. Unfortunately, thus far people have changed quite a bit. Not much luck, dated one who is offered me free housing during the weekends but then found out that she was supported by an Australian finace. Moved on to anther, who hates the idea of men leaving or saying, got to go to work in the morning and related who did that to her before (including one that was at the party a few minutes before). Found one very attractive, dated and then she was married to a guy in Cali and on extended vacation in China, cause she is home sick. So she ended up in bed with a strange man after half a bottle of vodka, telling me that her parents are actually 3 hours away by plane. Home sick? Gosh, how come I can't find any of those pure, loving, nice angels that you guys find? Or is Shenzhen a really bad spot? Going to try spend a week with a loving lady, her friend and then another guy. Thus far it sounds so wierd. Made backup plans with a girl at each tour destination, just in case... Life in China seems to be quite different than I anticipated. Well, did I say that at the Christmas party, I saw a few partners groping female associates? Every one just smiles and say "office politics".
  14. I have spent every weekend in SZ for about a month now. Normally drinking and clubbing all night long and spent the early morining hours wondering around in the city, drunk or sleep off in some off back street foot massage place. Never had a problem. Only crime I have seen was a few in the service industry and their managers on the street trying to sell you services. People are pretty nice generally. I saw a few in the clubs shaking their heads uncontrollably which I assume was the effect of drugs. Never been mugged before and never got into a fight. Even when I stick my finger at some guy for failure to yield, they just drive off without a word. For safty, I do carry a switch blade and put most of my cash away from my wallet and hide my passport and tell every one I am from the north east. Use common sense. I think pickpocket is the most common crime. Some one I know did get mugged in a cab en route to the airport. They target those who appear to have money, not those who appear ready to mug others.
  15. I help people and business with their problems. I sort of remember some one on this board is in the business of growing diamonds. Does any one remember who? I think it was in the room that got closed down.
  16. Debbie is gone. This morning at 10, she was let out to use the backyard and ran away. NOw is past midnight she did not return, My gf and son looked all over for her and could not find her. She has some problems in the leg and does not walk well now. In 7 years she never ran away. Even if she goes to the park, she always come back in 10 or 15 minutes. I suspect either the animal control people got her but very unlikely. I pray to god that she come back soon. Gosh, could she have sensed my post and decided that she would be better off away? I was just venting. I will blame myself for the rest of my life if something happens to her.
  17. Best way to over come fear is to face it. Have him make plans and talk about what happens if he dies in a plane crash, such as preparing a will, make arangements or instructions on burial should the body parts got all over the place, etc. First time my son and I were flying, we ran into terrible turbulance the engine sounded funny too. So we started talking out loud our fears and laughed about it. The fear was gone but the poor girl sitting behind us was crying like crazy after we landed. Talking it out loud helps. What is the worst thing that can happen? A few charred body parts that may even smell like a great outdoor steak house, etc. I was afraid of heights, so was my son. So we went parasailing. We was afraid of confined places, and went scuba diving. Afterwards, things were a lot easier.
  18. Got the answer from IRS publication. Thanks any way. It is above the line deduction. Hypo: if income is 150k, 80k exluded income, plus 20 k ( or whatever is the access of housing over federal base) housing exlusion. Adjusted income is then 50K, then deduct the charitable and itemized deductions, say with 20k left taxable income. Calculate tax on that, Ipeeeeeee, low income! Then take a credit for tax paid to HK on the 50K income (50kx16%=9k?). Will owe Uncle Sam nothing! But with some extra foreign tax credit carry over to be used when there is more income tax liability in later years. Overall tax burden: 16% on income determined the HK way (basically there is a housing deduction for HK purposes, to reduce the tax rate to 15%). Now, that is federal, state, local, social security and medicare combined at 15%. Income goes too high? The partners all gave up their U.S. citizenship and hold strange passports with language that I can't read. If congress repeals the foreign earned income credit as they threatened to do in 2003 tax bill. I will get one of them pink passport!
  19. On a separate question, does any one know or have a link to information on how a U.S. citizen file a U.S. tax return when all the salaries are made working for a overseas company? Itemized deduction? tax credits? charitable contribution? Does the remaining income abve 80k gets taxed at the low bracket or is it exemption with progression? The state and federal credit phase out apply before or after the 80k? Is the exemption of 80k plus housing cost? Thanks.
  20. Even if you can't get a TIN, one can certainly get a ITIN. I used to get a lot of them for clients. Even an Australian liquidator who never set foot on U.S. soil or has any connection other than being legally the person in charge of a bankrupt australian corp. owned by a us parent that needs to check the box to have its losses flow up to the U.S. parent.
  21. Thanks Bob. I was just venting. I am not going to shoot them. Only problem is Debbie is over weight and airlines only allow 100lb with cage. I think she is over that by herself now. When I was able to lift her she was 90 and I weighed her. Now I could not lift her only a scale. God will look after every creature.
  22. My dogs bark, all the time. They used to chew up everything when they were little. They need to be fed and walked. I tolerated them for more than 7 years, sleeping with them, take them out and smelling and look like them ( I got more hair on my suits than a shorthaired breed. Now they are old, so am I. My wife left, they stayed. I am thinking about flying back and shoot them. I know it is against the law. In Hong Kong raising two large dogs (90lb and 50lb) are impossible. Not allowed in apartments, or even if allowed I need an apartment where I have to pay allmost all my income on rent. Also, they have to sit in some place for months before immigration clears (not in Gongdong, though) which might kill them anyway. Well, posted on web sites, talked to neighbors. No one adopted them. I have some one taking care of them for now, which means supporting payments on my house in the U.S. for the next how many years? and when my savings ran out, what happens? Asked North Shore Animal shelter to take them back. They said no, even though when I took them they said I could. North Shore took them from another shelter right before they were destroyed. Talked to other shelters, they said no, cause it cost money to put them to sleep. They would only keep them for two weeks anyway. If your loved one is doomed to die, would you let some one else kill them or would you kill them yourself? There must be a reason why some mothers kill their baby girls in China. I can better relate now than before. Sorry, just have to vent.
  23. Currency is only one of the issues. Now here is another one and more direct. VAT rebates. China charges a 17% VAT on the gross sales value of goods. When it is exported, the 17% tax is rebated, thus makes it 17% cheaper than to sell on the domestic market. Even if you take into account of the shipping and insurance costs, it almost breaks even or you make out a bit better depending on the bulk and weight of the product. More exports now are done by foreign investments and joint ventures. In addition to the 17% rebate on the gross sales value, there is a 5 year tax holiday starting (not from you start) from the first year you turn a profit. Say a company uses 3 years to turn black, then 2 years tax free, 3 years 1/2 price. That is eight years even if you do nothing to you tax accounting books. For foreign investments, you need to make foreign exchange (ie, export) to repatriate your dividends, etc . and in most areas, approval of the investment is considered on how much you export. Of course, the currency issue is just another one in the puzzle. In the IT area, US forced china to stop VAT export rebate, but in other areas, it is still done. Even if you cut all of these government incentives, now or soon there will be a basic infrustructure, effecient work force and cheap labor. I doubt currency, tax and investment policy are going to change that. In some industries, the labor cost of china is no longer competitive. Some clothing and shoe factories are shutting down, because? Moving out to Pakistan, Hundoras, etc. You can see this as a trend in pj, underware, shirts etc. Instead of crying foul, the solution is to focus. You do see a lot of Chinese complaining about Morgan Stanley charge such high fees, or even people like me or even Tom, Andy, Julie, Curt, Chris. totalling 160 in one joint competiting with Chinese lawyers and taking away their business. My fiend in Shenzhen, after 17 years as a VP of a bank is losing his job. The private equity fund that took control are shipping their people, from, New York. Another Chinese by ancestry but born and raised in the U.S. A. Tonight, we are going on a boat trip, organized for Guangdong judges. Why? Getting ready for a nod by the Chinese government to allow registered foreign lawyer to appear in court! Imagine Eddy mumbling in Cantonese in a Bejing court "qi xing". The judge will know he was speaking Chinese not German, but still would not understand. Mind you, see another American dressed like a Chinese citizen? He may be going to court on a criminal case. It is just today's world.
  24. By the number of projects I have worked on in the three weeks I am here, I am not sure how bad outsourcing is in the service industry. But I am sure that there will be little or no manufacturing left in the U.S. in a few years. Just did a deal where a basic material company went into China. The reason, all their clients have already moved and they have to follow. In IT, there is little outsourcing to China because of the language problem and because there is a lack of IT people (believe it or not) in China. The government is trying to increase the IT grads by 20% and predicts that it will all be absorted by the domestic companies. Well, I outsourced myself here because, again, the clients are moving out here!
  25. Thanksgiving? I did not even realize that it was Thanksgiving day here in HK till some one from the states called me and wished me happy holidays. Well, in turn I wished happy thanksgiving to the two new associates who are Americans and they seemed surprised. Well, who can blame them. They can draft legal documents in Chinese and a partner from Germany politely pointed out my typos in Chinese. Well, boxing day is going to be here soon. But then what the heck is it? When they took away the Queen's birthday, they replaced it with Budda's birthday. Thank god I don't have to celebrate Mao's birthday!
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