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  1. From talking to Roger, Roth law firm, and from going to Guangzhou in person and attempting to have them forward my case to Tokyo, it seems that they almost always do forward it for you. When I in person asked Guangzhou to forward my case to Tokyo, they seemed happy to oblige and said it would be no problem at all, but they warned me it would be very slow and suggested that I use another route. As far as I understand if you file in Guangzhou and ask it to be forwarded to Tokyo, Guangzhou is the one who decideds if it gets forwarded or not. (Please someone correct me if I'm wrong) Also, apparently if they forward it to Tokyo, it still has to be sent to USA for NVC which takes a long time itself, the whole process of lodging in guangzhou and having it forwarded to Tokyo, seems the slowest of all possible routes.
  2. I went to Guangzhou on Thursday to submit my petition for my Japanese wife, who resides in Japan. I answered question #22 on the I-130 requesting that the case be forwarded to Japan. I waited in line to submit my aplication for maybe 30 minutes, when it was my turn the officer saw that I wanted to forward it to Tokyo, called her supervisor, who informed us that that was completely fine, but that it would have to be forwarded to USA first for NVC, then back to China, and then to Tokyo Japan. which would take a long time, much longer than filing stateside they said. So they left me with two options A: File stateside B: File DCF in Guangzhou, without request of forwarding to Tokyo Japan, which would mean my wife would have to travel to Guangzhou for the interview. DCF in China is still faster than filing stateside so I think that is what I am going to do. Please feel to ask me any questions about any details I may have left out, and feel free to comment on anything too.
  3. Roger's website http://www.visaschina.com/index.htm I tried several different phone numbers and e-mail addresses to get ahold of guangzhou and the one that worked was: cis-guangzhou.inquiries@dhs.gov As far as i can tell DCF for my special case is still faster than stateside. Furthermore, I think the best thing to do was just to start the process as soon as possible one way or another, so I just went for DCF. It seems highly likely that my case will successfuly be forwarded to Tokyo, where my wife is, which will make everything much more convenient. Please feel free to ask any more questions, and I will surely post an update after I go to lodge my I-130 in Guangzhou this Thursday.
  4. I hired Roger to help me with this process. So far he has been very efficient. I contacted the guangzhou consulate directly and they told me that I can request a different consulate, DCF through guangzhou, but they will forward it to Tokyo. They cited question 22 on the I-130. So I am planning to turn in my I-130 in person in guangzhou on thursday, and hoping they will forward it to Tokyo. 22 is a two-part question. The first part doesn't apply to you, but the second part does: If your relative is not eligible for adjustment of status [i.e. they are not in the United States], he or she will apply for a visa abroad at the American consular post in: ___City___, ___Country___ Note: Designation of a U.S. embassy or consulate outside the country of your relative's last residence does not guarantee acceptance for processing by that post. Acceptance is at the discretion of the designated embassy or consulate.
  5. Thansk for all the responses everyone. I have tried asking cis-guangzhou.inquiries@dhs.gov and GuangzhouACS@state.gov to no avail. I also called a free service in GUZ at 2085187651 but it said they don't do immigration visa questions at that #, and 2085187605 was also not helfpul. Does anyone have an e-mail address or phone number of someone at GUZ who can answer this question for me? Thanks a lot.
  6. I am a twenty-somethng American, studying abroad in China. I have been living here in China for 7 months. I married my SO in Japan last month during spring break, we had been in a relationship for about 5 years, (of which 2 years were living together) and now we finally tied the knot. I would like to DCF in Guangzhou for my Japanese SO (who resides in Japan). She would be willing to fly in to Guangzhou for her interview. Has anyone heard of a case like this? Is it possible? What are some obstacles I might face? The Guangzhou consulate site doesn't prohibit it, but it also doesn't explicitly approve it. Any advice is very welcome. Thanks a lot.
  7. That link doesn't work for me, can someone please post a working link?
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