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  1. Russia is already schedule appointments for Jan 24, 2004 there is a link you can check to see if you got the appointments yet.
  2. right now, I am assuming that my fiancee's P3 is MIA. do you think she could go to GZ and pick hers up? GZ said they mailed hers on 11/3 and repeated faxes and emails have yielded squat. Frank I don't think GZ will allow your fiancee to pick up the P3. The only reason I was able to pick it up was that US citizen can enter the consulate on Tuesday and Thursday between 2pm and 4 pm to inquire about their petition. Good Luck
  3. Well the problem is GZ will not really help in tracking the letter and they wont give out the tracking number either, If they did you would have no problems in finding where the letter is. That is why this whole process is so mess up. The SYSTEM is so flaw in so many aspect.
  4. Jerry, Dont bother GZ won't give the tracking number out. I had the same problem a few months ago. I ended going to GZ to pick up the P3 in person, I was lucky to be in China at that time. If it has been more then 5 days since they sent out the P3 and your fiancee still didn't recieved it you can assume it is lost. Only thing you can do is call GZ and have them resend it again. Good Luck
  5. JUST THINK You are right it is China but the Embassy is USA!!! The consulate is technically US territory, but the workers doing the day-to-day paper work are Chinese. Jerry Hi Jerry, The main problem is the SYSTEM and we all know the SYSTEM is far from being PERFECT or FAIR. There is no funny bussiness going on there. If you read 001 you will know the people that got the P3 recently was stuck in customs as well. Just because some people got P3 before others dosen't mean they knew someone or paid someone to move it along. LIKE IT OR NOT IT IS THE SYSTEM THAT IS FLAW.
  6. JUST THINK You are right it is China but the Embassy is USA!!!
  7. Hi Eva NVC complete their check in early June it took about 3 weeks. but once my case went to GZ I was inform that they still need a security clearance before They can schedule the interview. That was in early July. about 2 weeks ago I found out that the FBI completed the clearance check in Mid sept. I got my interview and p4 a little bit after mid OCT. It seems like it took about a month from the time the clearance is completed for GZ and Dos to give the interview date. But that is just my case It could be different on others cases. Hope this help
  8. Robhon Could you be in the state of denial. If you take everything in consideration why can't that be a true timeline? Not everyone paperwork got stuck in customs. Alot of the people that is waiting for 10 months already is either in the old process, did not file at VSC, got stuck and NVC for a few months,got their paperwork stuck at customs. Some are LUCKY enough that none of this happen to them. Like I said before I breeze through from filing to P3 in 2 months without any problems BUT I had to wait 3 /12 months to get P4. Hopefully when everyone here gets their P3 they won't have to wait another 3 to 4 months to get P4.
  9. Um, I've lost that race. It took 8 months just for my file to get out of the USA. I've now passed the 10 month point and still no P3..... Of course, the other extreme, I just saw the timeline for johnnybill45. According to his Signature, he started the process in June 2001 (nearly 2 1/2 years ago), and he is still waiting for an interview date. THERE IS ABSOULTELY NO RATIONAL EXCUSE FOR AN APPLICATION TO TAKE OVER 2 YEARS TO PROCESS. Even if he married Sadam Hussein's daughter, they should have an answer on the application by now. ----- Cliff ------ Well well, more confirmed reports from 001 BBS china , some girls just reported recieving P3 in the mail today, thier cases were forwarded to GZ from NVC on August 29th..........so it seems GZ is randomly picking a few cases out of each shipment from far back as July and processing them.... This is just absolutely unfair....... Apparently the case we all dis- believed above is in fact, a true timeline... I can't stand it..... It reminds me when I was waiting for the p4 I saw people get their p4 and interview that return the p3 after me. Hang in there 2 weeks ago a alot of people got their p4 and interview date it could be it is time for the p3 to get done.
  10. I don't understand how this would make a difference. The service center part of our filing went through in a matter of 6 weeks. I know on the old system you'd receive a P3 shortly after NOA2 but new system? Even at that it sounds like yours went very fast, Gigibebe. Six months start to P4 is smokin'! Do you have your visa already? No, I just receive the interview date and P4 recently, I file at the VSC which took 2 weeks From the time I file to the interview which is on Nov 18 is about 6 1/2 months. from the date I file. This is in the NEW PROCESS. Even Though I went from filing to P3 in 2 months It took about 3 1/2 months to get the p4. I have seen some post that people get their p4 in about 1 to 2 months after they return the p3 but usually they have been in the system at least 5 to 6 months already. What I am trying to say is that every case is different From what I have seen from this process no matter how fast your files get to GZ 2 months or 3 months. The fastest I have seen anyone get their visa from start to finish is about 7 months. I have seen alot of timelines where it took a total of 10 months.
  11. I also have a hard time believing the timeline.... If it is true.....which I doubt...... then this definitely fubai. Hi Everyone, The timeline can be true if it is file at VSC because I went from start of filing to P3 in 2 months also. But had to wait around 4 months to get the P4 Good Luck
  12. Iam in China right now with my fiancee and will be going to the interview at GZ also
  13. Mine went to Vermont it too about 2 and 1/2 to 3 weeks
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