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Posts posted by shenzhen

  1. As a bedroom community, Foshan really doesn't have the same levels of poverty that has historically dogged Guangzhou, simply because it is new (in terms of its destination status for those 'escaping' the big city---to a better life)


    --- repeating the 'flight' of middle class professionals to the suburbs of America in the 1960's. What the Honda plant shows, is that unlike America, this particular 'bedroom' community also has been able to integrate desirable heavy industry into the mix. In America, the thought was to escape industry for a: Sub-Urban environment.


    I assume you have some hard statistical evidence that supports your statement about poverty levels? That Foshan has a lower number of people living in poverty has nothing to do with anything other than the cost of living in Foshan can be remarkably lower than it is in GZ -- for now.


    The original inhabitants of Foshan -- the farmers on small plots -- are still earning far less than the Foshan average salary of under 1,500 RMB -- less than half the GZ average salary. The basic economy in Foshan still relies mainly on local retail sales and housing with a growing industrial presence.




  2. Hi Guys!!

    Getting everything put together to send to GUZ electronically. My question is: should I make up a cover letter and attach it to the electronic filing?

    If so, has any one done this and what did you include in the letter.

    I just want to cover all bases.



    I only included the NVC Cover Letter with the barcode. In the text of the emails (one for the IV and one for AOS) I sent I wrote:


    Please find attached the documentation required for the above CR-1 IV application (my spouse: XXX XXX).


    I referenced our GZO number in the email title. Had no problems doing it this way.

  3. More on the Foxconn issue. It appears that Dell and HP are also "looking" into the problems with their slave labor shop.




    I liked this action item from Foxconn and its owners:


    Foxconn says it's taking other steps to get the situation under control. It has installed netting around outdoor stairwells of dormitory buildings to prevent people from jumping.


    Somehow someone will blame the fat lazy overspending USA worker for this problem since the USA companies had to outsource the work to China due to the high demands of USA workers. When they do you can give them this stat:


    When employment in the U.S. eventually recovers, it's likely to be because American workers swallow hard and accept lower pay. That has been the pattern for decades now: Shockingly, pay for production and nonsupervisory workers ¡ª 80 percent of the private workforce ¡ª is 9 percent lower than it was in 1973, adjusted for inflation

  4. I have a silly question, that I don't understand >_<


    On the from OF-169, Mailing address label it says


    Please get an EMS label from the China Post office and fill in the information required on the label (note: please write ¡°Immigrant Visa Unit, American Consulate Guangzhou¡± in the sender¡¯s Company Name box, and write ¡°No. 1, South Shamian Street, Guangzhou 510133¡± in the Address box). Then return the label, together with the forms DS-230 and OF-169, to the Consulate. This address label will be used to send you the appointment packet.

    What address am I to write in the receivers box? I figured the senders address would be mine, and the receiver would be the address mentioned above? Also could the address be written in Chinese?


    Why can't the directions from GUZ be idiot proof?! :rolleyes:





    You should fill out the label as follows:


    From: (senders) The Consulate in GZ........write in English


    To: (receivers) Your address in China where you will get the appointment package in the mail.............write in Chinese


    They are using this as a mailing label to send to you your appointment package.

    Exactly .. see the bolded statement in your post.

  5. Hi again CFL


    I have a question about taxes, for the I-864 form.


    I called the IRS several of times, to ask if I can file for tax returns. I explained to them I haven't made any income what so ever for the past 5 years, and they told me I do not need to file for a return since I do not make the required income. I explained to them why I still needed to file, and they suggested a form called "4506-T Request for Transcript of Tax Return". The IRS, told me to check option 7, Verification of Nonfiling, which is proof from the IRS that you did not file a return for the year. The IRS said I can request the past 4 years using one form, then simply fax it to them and it will be processed and mailed to me with-in 10 days.


    My question is will this be good enough evidence, that I did not meet the minimal requirement to file for tax returns? Would this work at the interview? The IRS, is telling me that I can't file zero tax returns, and that they have never heard of anyone doing that before. =.= I am a little lost. If I were to file zero tax returns, do I just put all zero's down on the form, and then mail it to the IRS, and bring a copy to the interview? My father is going to co sponsor my spouse. He will be able to hand in all the required documents for the I-864.



    Much help appreciated!



    Can you help me get on this program of living without any income what so ever? I really don't know how to do that.

  6. Yes there is what insurance companies call health insurance for immigrants. Most health insurance for immigrants includes visitors, students, and those with work visas. This kind of insurance is for short term. Usually you can only buy it for one year at a time. It is also very expensive compared to other insurance. What I mean by this is where a normal policy is around $300-$400, this kind of policy for the same coverage will cost you $1,200. Of course cost depends on deductible, co-pay and other benefits received. She will not be short term, so it would be best just to get her a regular, individual health care policy.

    But someone with a GC who is a LPR should be able to purchase "normal" healthcare insurance.


    Isn't that what I suggested???????

    Sure. I was just confirming that an immigrant with a GC who is a LPR could be condsidered a regular individual and thus the OP does not need to be concerned with all the immigrant insurance information.

  7. Yes there is what insurance companies call health insurance for immigrants. Most health insurance for immigrants includes visitors, students, and those with work visas. This kind of insurance is for short term. Usually you can only buy it for one year at a time. It is also very expensive compared to other insurance. What I mean by this is where a normal policy is around $300-$400, this kind of policy for the same coverage will cost you $1,200. Of course cost depends on deductible, co-pay and other benefits received. She will not be short term, so it would be best just to get her a regular, individual health care policy.

    But someone with a GC who is a LPR should be able to purchase "normal" healthcare insurance.

  8. Thanks for the quick replies.


    My bad, I forgot to mentioned that I am retired and am on medicare so no job offered insurance. I will need to buy a separate policy for my wife.


    I have been Googling this but would like hear real world experiences.



    It will depend on the state you live in as to what is available and the cost. I don't think you will find a policy specifically designed for immigrants (your title is a little confusing).

  9. How long ago Dan? You must remember when it was referred to as flower town, or flower city, because of its greenhouse industry for ornamentals and flowers. And still has a flower festival. but in the last 20 years, has become a more wealthy "bedroom' for those seeking escape from the congestion (and poverty) of GZ. (much as as US cities did in the 1950's) I mil. people isn't that much by Chinese standards, but Foshan will continue to grow, because of its economic diversity, (such as the Honda plant) and also because of its embrace into greater Guangzhou. This will literally happen within the year, as the subway from Guangzhou links directly with Foshan, cutting the commute time from one hour (good day, off hours) or two hours (much of the time...)---to about 20 minutes.


    Poverty is alive and well in Foshan. What you don't see so much is the wide disparity that you see in GZ.

    Poverty is alive and well everywhere.

  10. I sent money over to China from my bank account (after tax and my own savings) to my wife's account. When we move back to the USA she will send the money back from her account (same amount as I sent to her) in China to our joint account in the USA. I have to pay taxes on this???


    Only on INCOME, such as from the sale of a house. Mike is assuming that because of previous posts from the OP.

    That is what I thought but I wanted to clarify it. Also she made interest by investment this money so all of the interest money beyond the original amount we would declare as income since we file jointly.


    I have another question about her account. The account is in her name only. She is not yet a LPR but we did file taxes jointly last year and she has a Taxpayer ID number. Do we have to declare this as a foreign accounts because the aggregate value of all accounts exceeds US $10,000 using Form TD F 90-22.1? The way I understand it is that I don't need to declare because I have no interest in the account (since it is not a joint one) and she does not need to declare because she is not a LPR of the US yet. Somehow this does not seem right though.

  11. Question:

    I need to wire about $50,000 plus from China to the USA to show assets in the USA for our I-864 form. What is the best way? I know how to wire the money but what is the max amount I can wire each time and will I be taxed by the US Gov.?

    Any ideas or experience?




    OK, from the history of your posts, I know you have filed your income tax each year, and you own a house in Xiamen. (We will be in our house in Xiamen [Hubin Bei Lu] - from 26 Sep - 30 Oct).


    I'm going to go out on a limb and assume - you are talking about taking the money/profit from the sale of the house - and moving it back to the US? If that happens this year, which is sounds like it will....then the same rules apply.


    As I remember - you are married(?). If you are, have you filed joint income tax together and or did you make a first year declaration to have her income treated like a US taxpayer? Probably not....but did you file "jointly" in 2009 so that your interviews et al would show married?


    These are all background questions.....to get to the point of...she probably has her name only on the deed --- when she sells the house it will be her sale --- and the question is....is she subject to US taxation. If you filed in 2009 as joint - I suspect any income in 2010 will be treated as US income. If you filed jointly in 2009 and selected to be treated as 1st year resident - then without a doubt her 2009 and 2010 income is subject to taxation.


    Ok, let's say she isn't subject to US taxation....no tax due!


    If she is, has filed jointly with you, then the sale is treated just like a sale here in the US. Over 1 year, LTCG (Currently at 15%) and based on the numbers you posted in previous posts -- will remain the same - if current plans are put in place by the end of the year. [Other thought...this may be lower because of your combined income for 2010...i.e.lower % taxation...I haven't looked lately...I believe it was 5%...don't rember the income cutoff level]


    Make sure you have all of the buy-sell documents to be able to prove the numbers just like any other US property sale.


    Also - don't try to hide the sale...the I864 - will show this money - your SSN will be linked to the transfer - and it's not worth the pain/risk IMO. The patriot act has tightened the screws on wire transfers etc etc.


    If I have made way too many assumptions and this is not the money from the sale of the house...we can try again if you want to air any other details. Best of Luck....

    I sent money over to China from my bank account (after tax and my own savings) to my wife's account. When we move back to the USA she will send the money back from her account (same amount as I sent to her) in China to our joint account in the USA. I have to pay taxes on this???

  12. One link says Foshan, The other link says Fushan. Which one is it? I bet Foshan.

    Fushan may refer to:


    Foshan (·ðɽ), city in Guangdong, China


    according to some internet searches. It is in Guangdong so it would be what I call Foshan but it can also be referred to as Fushan. Confusing enough?


    It is Foshan or, as they say in Cantonese, Fushan..


    What is interesting is that the photo on the NY Times page looks exactly like the Honda plant in Guangzhou.


    This could be an interesting strike. Were it not against a Japanese company, I'd say the strike would end relatively quickly with the striking workers getting FITA. After all, the reason cars are so expensive in China is because the government taxes the hell out of automobile producers.


    Anyhow, my guess is that the strikers will not get what they hope for. Giving 1,900 employees a 1,000 RMB per month raise would cost Honda about an extra $400,000 per month. I'd bet that they are given significantly less based on increased overtime and then later on down the road the company fires most all of the organizers. Time will tell.

    Are you planning on the Honda executives putting about $120K/month in their pockets? But your right I would guess too that they get significantly less than the 1,000 RMB/month. Something along the lines of changing the shift start time to 8AM, fixing the A/C in the dorm, and giving 50 RMB/month more pay.


    It will be interesting to see how long they let the strike go on and what other strikes are allowed in the future. Maybe the strike will be long enough to cause the Japan PM to take the pressure off China regarding NK????



    Some news reports are coming through saying the strike has been settled for an initial starting salary increase of under 25%. After taxes, the employee sees something like a 15 to 20% raise.

    24% according to this report .. 366 yuan/month.



  13. Great story! For the life of me I cant see what the VO has a problem with ... first no one would make up such a story as this to tell a VO and second this kind of thing/meeting happens in the USA all the time.


    What I don't get is why you interviewed at GUZ if she was from/living in HK?


    Thanks. We interviewed in HK.

    Well that was what I thought but then I could not imagine HK giving a blue for this story so I decided you must have interviewed in GUZ for some reason ... I am really amazed that they have a problem with this story...

  14. Great story! For the life of me I cant see what the VO has a problem with ... first no one would make up such a story as this to tell a VO and second this kind of thing/meeting happens in the USA all the time.


    What I don't get is why you interviewed at GUZ if she was from/living in HK?

  15. One link says Foshan, The other link says Fushan. Which one is it? I bet Foshan.

    Fushan may refer to:


    Foshan (·ðɽ), city in Guangdong, China


    according to some internet searches. It is in Guangdong so it would be what I call Foshan but it can also be referred to as Fushan. Confusing enough?


    It is Foshan or, as they say in Cantonese, Fushan..


    What is interesting is that the photo on the NY Times page looks exactly like the Honda plant in Guangzhou.


    This could be an interesting strike. Were it not against a Japanese company, I'd say the strike would end relatively quickly with the striking workers getting FITA. After all, the reason cars are so expensive in China is because the government taxes the hell out of automobile producers.


    Anyhow, my guess is that the strikers will not get what they hope for. Giving 1,900 employees a 1,000 RMB per month raise would cost Honda about an extra $400,000 per month. I'd bet that they are given significantly less based on increased overtime and then later on down the road the company fires most all of the organizers. Time will tell.

    Are you planning on the Honda executives putting about $120K/month in their pockets? But your right I would guess too that they get significantly less than the 1,000 RMB/month. Something along the lines of changing the shift start time to 8AM, fixing the A/C in the dorm, and giving 50 RMB/month more pay.


    It will be interesting to see how long they let the strike go on and what other strikes are allowed in the future. Maybe the strike will be long enough to cause the Japan PM to take the pressure off China regarding NK????

  16. Why you maybe thinking, "Why is he asking about food in the consulate?" I'll tell you.. My Wife will be just about 5 months pregnant at the interview on 15 June. Her doctor said that she really can't go a long period of time without eating for the health of my wife and our child. So, does anyone know if they would allow an exception, seeing that my wife is pregnant? or Not.. If Not, I am now wondering what to do.. It is a health related matter.






    Leaving for Guangzhou in 10 Days

    5 hrs max (7 - 12). This would be considered too long? Perhaps she can bring some kind of crackers/snack in her purse but I am sure they won't let her bring black chicken soup or fish head soup or whatever is recommend by the doctor.


    The offical answer would be what is listed here I imagine:




    No food items allowed

  17. One link says Foshan, The other link says Fushan. Which one is it? I bet Foshan.

    Fushan may refer to:


    Foshan (·ðɽ), city in Guangdong, China


    according to some internet searches. It is in Guangdong so it would be what I call Foshan but it can also be referred to as Fushan. Confusing enough?

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