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  1. thank you very much for your reply. now i am struggle with that man. he is cruel.
  2. Hello, my English name is Brandy and I arrived in the USA on a K-1 visa in September of 2008 and also got married in September. I received my two year green card in May of this year. My husband has become very mentally abusive towards me and wants me to move out from our home. He gives me no money for food or anything and I will soon have no savings left. He is now threatening to sell our home and he will move into a small apartment. This will cause my son and me to have nowhere to live. I can not return to China as my son is in school here and I do not want for him to have to make a major move again. I need help and advice please. I was a doctor in China, but I am not working here and have no income. I plan to divorce him, but I do not know what to do really. Can I apply for ten year green card if I divorce? His family has agreed to write letters for me. When should I send I-751? Please tell me what I should do.
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