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Everything posted by BlueHeron

  1. CR1 to IR1 was approved with minimal effort. There were no requests for additional information or interviews. Only the biometric visit. We showed minimal joint ownership of property; a used car, the telephone service and a bank account used for grocery cash. Provided only two affidavits. Maybe they heard of our arguments and figured only married couples act like that (lol). I still thank members like Warped Bored who helped me through the frustration of the original application and interview times in 2006/07. Thanks for the correction dnoblett. Corrections to my post have been made.
  2. CTS-1048 1.6L Filterless Soy Milk Maker http://bigcrazystore.com/pro806245.html We bought it at the local Chinese market and use it every day for soy milk and cooking dry beans (pre soak the soy and dry beans). It has three settings: soybean milk, nutrution and dry beans. Instructions are in Chinese. I saw other people complaining and bringing back lesser priced models.
  3. I have few details. She said she was asked no questions. She received notification a few days prior to come any Monday or Tuesday (?) between certain hours. She is still at the hotel there to pick up her visa Saturday and go to the Italian consulate Monday. I will post more as I learn.
  4. My wife and I are very happy today after learning she passed her second "interview".
  5. Sorry. I accidently deleted my post. I was asking if I need to be calling for an appointment as rlheim was suggesting or wait for further instruction to my mailed in overcome information. Thanks for the reply RLS.
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