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Posts posted by TaijiMonkey

  1. My fiance is asking how many pictures of us together she should send. I didn't know the answer. I know what was in my paperwork for the I-129F, but I don't know about the P3.


    She also asked me how to prove that she is eligible for marriage. Where should she obtain a certificate of sorts that the is single and eligible?



    Nothing is sent back to GUZ from P3 other than DS-230 part 1, and OF-169.


    She should get single cert, and birth cert along with translations from the Notary office having jurisdiction over her place of residence. Also get police cert from resident PSB, and get it translated at Notary office.


    All other things are collected and brought to visa interview.


    You may want to read through the FAQ section:





    Thanks! This is all really helpful! I've read that FAQ so many times, but it never made much sense... but now that I am neck deep in it, its becoming ever clearer!


    SO, if I am understanding this correctly, she just needs to:


    A.) Gather the documents listed on the OF-169, and check them off on the OF-169, and sign it, date it with case number and address (in Pinyin?)


    B.) Fill out the DS-230 Part I completely in english (and pinyin where needed)




    C.) Send the completed DS-230 and the checked off and signed OF-169 back to Guangzhou?




    Oh... and is there a fee included in sending the DS-230 and OF-169?


    Or just at the Interview?




    (Oh! and we only need to fill out Part I of the DS-230 right? We dont need Part II for the K-1, correct?)

  2. Thanks!!


    Do I want this one:

    K Visa Instruction Packet (¡°Packet 3¡±)


    or this one:

    IV Instruction Packet (¡°Packet 3¡±)



    K Visa Instruction Packet (¡°Packet 3¡±)


    Several have filled out OF-169, and DS-230 part 1 and returned them before they receive P3.


    Of-169: http://guangzhou.usembassy-china.org.cn/up...ts_-_OF-169.pdf


    DS-230 Part 1: http://www.state.gov/documents/organization/81807.pdf


    Mail to:


    United States Consulate Guangzhou

    IV Unit

    1 Shamian South Street

    Guangzhou, 510133 PRC


    Thanks again.


    Sorry for my confusion, but are these for me to fill out, or for my SO?


    I'm not sure how much of these forms (if any) are for me to fill out, and how many are for her....

  3. I called DOS today and they said they sent out the P3 on Friday (09/19/08).


    What can I, and should I do to prepare for this step?


    What forms do I need to fill out, or is this all about her?


    Perhaps I can download the forms and get started before they arrive... but I want to make sure I have the right ones, and all of them...







    Do I want this one:

    K Visa Instruction Packet (¡°Packet 3¡±)


    or this one:

    IV Instruction Packet (¡°Packet 3¡±)



  4. just called DOS, a nice lady told me that our package was open and P3 was sent on 08/29/08. :(




    Who did you call? DOS? At 202-663-1225?


    I have been emailing Guangzhou and asking, but they keep telling me it has not been recieved yet.


    All I know is that the NVC sent it to GUZ in late July....


    I'm trying to catch it because I sent in a change of address for my SO and I want to make sure that they get the change...

  5. I am in this boat now.


    I don't know whether to laugh or cry.


    I am sending an AR-11 and letter via fax to the NVC today, as my fiancee has a new address in another city.




    They (USCIS) has assured me this is all I need to do.





    is there anything i can start doing, any paper work that I should start gathering, just to be prepared.


    I don't want to come down to a time crunch in the end and miss something if I can start now well in advance.


    Any suggestions?

  6. Also,


    My fiancee just finished her last year in college..



    She graduates next month, and then her address will change as she will be leaving the dorms!!


    What should I do?!?


    Mail service 'at the dorms' is better than most other domiciles in China. I'd suggest you have yer lass get in good with the worker who handles the mail distribution there, and have the worker call yer lass when the paperwork comes in.. THEN - as she returns her P3 paperwork via EMS, handle the address change THEN with that P3 paperwork.


    Actually... recently she has been having trouble getting my mail at the dorm....


    So I was hoping I could get that change of address in... or at least have it ready....

  7. I filed my I-129F in February.


    Got my NOA1 in March.


    And nothing since....


    I can log in and see that my case is still pending.


    But is there a number I can call? Any way to check up, or speed along the process?



    And my other question is: What should I be doing to prepare for the next phase? What happens next? (Asusming I get approved...)



  8. Question...


    I can send in copies of the paperwork, and keep all the originals, yes?


    Reason I ask is since the Biographics pdf can NOT be savved, I printed it, scanned it, and emailed it to her to sign.


    She mailed it back.


    But when she printed it, it came out just slightly smaller on the paper than when i print it direct from Adobe...


    This will not cause any trouble for us, will it?



  9. This is all great info.


    I actually had both a Hep-A and a Hep-B (all three) vaccination beofre I went to China the first time, before I met her. So I am not worried much about my risks...


    And she's the love of my life: I'd marry her if she had HIV...



    I am just glad that it cause too much waves in my K-1 ocean.





    But thanks again for all the good info.

  10. Thanks guys!


    Yeah, I really am not sure what she has, if she really has anything.


    But if she does have a strain of Hep, I just want to know how to handle it with the K1.


    She is also worried, because she is afraid that if she is not completely healthy, that it could ruin her chance to the US.


    I just want to make sure she is happy, and there will be no unforeseen consequences with the Visa process.



    And I want to but any worrying to rest, as well.



    Any info about disclosing Hep in the visa process would be great.


    Thanks again!

  11. There is a chance that my fiancee' has a strain of Hepatitis.


    I am trying to get the facts straight, between language and cultural barriers, and it is not easy.


    It seems her blood work shows that she has "a liver disease" that is "not contagious" and "her liver is still very healthy".


    I am trying to find out more.


    Can anyone tell me how having Hepatitis will effect the K-1??


    And what, if any difference there is between Hepatitis-A, Hepatitis-B, and Hepatitis-C... not the disease, but the effects of having each of these changes your immigration chances....



    I am hopeful that it is nothig at all, but I am covering all my bases...

  12. I am just back from China after proposing to my beloved Huixian at the Temple to Heaven in Beijing.


    My mom went with us and took many pictures.


    I am going through the Checklist for the I-129F and I have a concern:


    I don't have a lot of records of communication.


    We first met in Zhengzhou in 2004, and I went back in 2005 after a year of phone calls, but not too many emails.


    After the trip in 2005, we talked on the phone mostly, using a calling card on the web that I pay for online. I don't know if I can get records of my calls to her through the site.


    And more recently, in the last year, we have been using MSN Messanger for video chats - because it is free and we actually get to SEE one another.


    I have many pictures of us together in 2004 and 2005 and now of my proposal trip this month with me and my mother and her family.


    I assume just the pictures over 3 different years are not enough. What can I do to prove further evidence of communication all this time?

  13. Well, it seems to have passed.


    We talked after she calmed down and she realizes as I do that there are going to be differences in culture and concepts.


    I explained to her that I don't expect her to change, but I don't want her to expect me to change either. There is a difference between changing you mate, and growing with them.


    Mostly, though, after a conversation with my own mother and a few close female friends, I now realize that the cat is not really the issue.


    I am looking at this like a typical man.. logically.


    Not emotionally.


    She is getting ready to make a huge change, and she is nervous, in the middle of finals, as well as making arrangements for my visit with my mother - not to mention the stress of me and my mother having dinner with her family.


    It seems all she really wanted was for me to make a gesture showing her that this is all worth the hassle, sort of speak.


    And of course, as a man, I was oblivious. All I did is argue with her. Dummy.


    We also haven't talked over the phone in a while - she prefers video chat - and I just decided to call her and surprise her with the phone call.


    We talked for an hour or so, and she feels much better. I apologized, she apologized, we discussed some things and I could hear in her voice she was at peace again and happy. (Which is why I love her, because we always come to an agreement, and can never stay mad for long.)


    She understands that my cats have been my only companions for a decade, and my only source of any affection (as I am single and lived alone or with a male roommate) and we agreed that I will keep me affections with the cat to a minimum, and she will accept how I treat them, as long as brush my teeth before I kiss her, which is totally fair.


    All in all, it has been a great example for me of our love overcoming any obsticles.


    I am leaving in a week to see here for the first time in two years, and I am EXCITED!!


    Thanks for the comments. Sorry it took so long to update, work is killing me!

  14. I am having the most difficult disagreement with my fiancee that I have ever had:


    She saw me kiss my cat on the back of the neck the other night on video conference, and told me, "You kiss cat?! If you kiss your cat, you can NEVER kiss me!!"


    I though she was joking, but we are now on day two of this.


    She says that in China, no one kisses their pets.


    She says in China everyone knows how dirty these animals are.


    This is seemingly not a jealousy issue.


    She claims it is a cultural one.



    I just don't know what to do now. I wish to make her happy, but being affectionate with my pets is a deep part of who I am. I am an animal lover. I come from a family of animal lovers.


    I even offered to always wash my face and mouth after kissing the cat and before kissing her, which is ridiculous, but I told her I was willing to do this if it would make her happy.


    No go.


    She still says, "You kiss cat, you never kiss me!"


    Any ideas here people?


    Is this a serious cultural taboo I don't know of?


    Anyone have any experience with this situation?

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