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Everything posted by Ron&Sasa

  1. It is hard to determine this, I work for the GOV. We found several illegals working here and they where deported. We find them when there paperwork does not look right. The last group (14) of them where found to be using the same SSN on there employment information. This leads to checking every document, they are all detained until the process is complete.
  2. Try a differant approach to throwing it away, Bring all of the old items to the goodwill, tell here that they fix the old items and reuse them for the needy. Which is true. Then you can itemize the donations and write them off on taxes. This is a win win, she feels good about helping the needy and you feel good about the tax write off.
  3. When talking about about child care and divorce. Our laws cater to the woman, I am a Dad with custody of 2 girls. The laws still cater to the woman.
  4. Another story about happy children, In Thailand I was building what they called a welfare school. It was a school campus for 1000 children, part of the project was to construct a dam for the water supply. The children where excited to get the job of clearing the area for the new lake. I was watching the children playing while they worked and then I realized that there play was to catch the snakes and snap them at each other. Most of the snakes in Thailand are poisonous. The children where all very happy, they had just a bed to sleep in a place to each and a school to go to. The children in the US have become to materialistic, and never seam as happy as the other children from what we call poor countries.
  5. When thinking about the children, I was on the island of Tongua in the Vavau group of Tonga. The chidren had no commercial toys and had to help find food for the day from the island and the sea. When I had time to be with the local islanders they where the happiest group of people I have ever met. They would play football with a coconut, or a game I could not understand with palm bows. I guess it is a matter of what the real needs are before anyone can be labeled homeless or in poverty.
  6. I would like to say that I have been around the world to many countries and think the USA is a great place. I do not give to much merit to that pole. The thing that bothers me is that we can spend billions on other items. We could house all the homeless and care for the children better.
  7. I have seen similar problems and saw individuals deported. My work is on Government facilities. Many contractors hire migrant workers, when these workers are checked if there is one flow with there papers they are detained and deported. Last year there where 14 workers detained and deported on one day. It is very important to have the documents correct and complete.
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