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Everything posted by Rong_and_Steve

  1. My wife worked in a government hospital's accounting department in Shenzhen for 15 years...now living in an Indiana suburb of Chicago she is busy most of the time. She is studying American style accounting practices and also trying to figure out a way to make millions using e-Bay! hehehe Thank goodness for the internet and a DSL line. We recently bought a VOIP service so Rong can talk with anyone in China as much as she wants for no additional cost than the monthly VOIP fee. The BAD part of this is that the service supplies a Chinese phone number so that her friends/family/former work colleagues can call her toll-free any time, night or day! Egads! I think I've created a monster! Rong loves nature and is not bored with life here. She says there is much to do here and many sites to see. In fact, this weekend we are going to drive to Lafayette, IN to visit a man and his Chinese wife. This woman located Rong through one of the Chinese BB sites Rong frequents. So far, we have met four couples this way. It was suggested to me before my Rong came to the US that it is ill advised for her to have only Chinese friends/workplace, etc as she will never become comfortable with the US this way. I believe we have achieved a nice balance between China and US friends.
  2. This is quite a coincidence as my wife would not eat only extremely small bites of ice cream yesterday as it is her period and "eating or drinking cold things affect the blood from coming out normally as it should." What???? The interesting thing is she will drink ice-cold pop with no problem during the entire month. Go figure. BTW, she pitched a fit about taking synthetic vitamin tablets, too. Got her over that one, thank goodness, as the pharmacist told her there are some vitamins which you cannot get from plants naturally.
  3. Not really totally in line with the topic here, but...over and over again I stressed to my beautiful bride that a common trick by the driving examiner is to "forget" to fasten his/her seatbelt upon entering the vehicle. We live in Indiana and if the driver taking the exam does not require the examiner to buckle-up they fail right on the spot. Dang, if her examiner didn't do exactly that, he "forgot" to buckle his safety belt. Rong was on to him and politely asked him to fasten his safety belt, which he did. The exam went ahead without any problems and she is now a "first-time driver." Just a "heads up" to those who may be taking their exam soon.
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