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Everything posted by Tazman621

  1. I appreciate everyone who has given sound advise. I do not know who TOPLAW is, but I have retained Marc Ellis and I am confident he will resolve this matter. TAZ
  2. what are your thoughts on her obtaining a lawyer there in Gaungzhou? I am gray in that area.
  3. WHAT???? what do you mean WHITE!!!!! What happened to the second BLUE? No disrespect, White and Blue do not look the same!! Hong talked to your wife this weekend and your wife never said anything about a White slip on the phone. What happened buddy? Mike When she told me about the letter with the annotation that she has one more chance to explain why her son changed his name I automatically assumed it was the blue slip. It didnt dawn on me to ask until I asked her in an email yesterday. She is speaking with a lawyer there in Gaungzhou and I have been communicating with Marc Ellis.
  4. I appreciate all the support from everyone here. I just learned over the weekend that it was the white slip my wife received with a note for one more chance to explain. Anyone ever had this before?
  5. I am reaching out to those who may have experienced this or have any suggestions. I have told this before last month and I will give a brief here. We received the pink slip on the interview, but we received a blue slip when we picked up the passports. The question was why did my wifes son apply for a visa in Chendu under a different name. Long story short he wanted to come to USA to study a few years back and that was denied as he was too young at the time. He changed his name one year later after having 4-5 other students in his class with the same name, thus cuasing difficulty and confusion and affecting his performance reviews. Well, my wife sent to Guangzhou notorized documents of the name change from the school, the police station and the city hall. She did not enclose a letter with an explanation thinking that what she had was enough. Well, she tells me she received a letter from Guangzhou disapproving the VISA again and stating that we have one last chance to explain why the name change. I feared no explanation letter the first time will hurt us and I guess i was right. Anyway folks, we have a chance to make this right and we do not want to waste it. So before I have her send anything, I would like to get some ideas from you all out there. Anything would be greatly appreciated. BR
  6. I appreciate the responses I have received. My wife sent in the documents and an explanation to what transpired. We are not too worried, just frustrated that this will take time again. This goes to show how incompetent members in that office seems to operate. How long does it usually take for them to answer to the blue slip? Take Care Taz
  7. Hello all, My wife interviewed on 11 May. She did outstanding and we were loaded with all sorts of ammo. She was asked 4 questions and received the pink. As we so galliantly walked to the PO to pick up the VISA's we were met with no VISA stamp and a Blue slip. The question on the blue slip was why her son had applied for a VISA in Chendu under a different name. This blew us away. Him and his father applied for a VISA for him a few years ago under his old name to go to USA to study. He was denied as being too young. A year later he was in school having difficulty because his name was the same as about 4 other students. This was confusing the teacher and affecting him with incorrect performance review in school. So he and his father went and did the name change legally. When my wife and her son went to the interview they had the name change documents and the office clerck gathering all documents saw the name change documents and waived them off as unnecessary. Now we have to explain all this which is no problem, but I wanted to put this out there and see if anyone has experienced this and might have some advise as to what to gather and send with the explanation letter. Thanks Taz
  8. No I didn't, but thanks for getting me to think that next time I need to see what topic I am on before I reply or post. Forgive me.
  9. Good day everyone. Just came back from Gaungzhou, but what I really wanted to let everyone know is that if you go there please register your name and place of stay with the local police. It is a new law there for foriegners. If you don't do this you will get fined from 50 to 500 RMB. I got away with 50. Didn't see this notice posted anywhere in the airport or hotel. Maybe you all already know this maybe you dont, but just wanted to pass it on.
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