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Posts posted by Colorado

  1. A few other things I have thought about..........


    You only get two times to say "huh" if you don't understand what she is talking about. Otherwise be prepared to feel very stupid. <_<



    ALWAYS anticipate her needs beforehand.


    Be sure you understand that you will have to do your share of cleaning and cooking on a regular basis. The excuse "I work all the time" will get you mop slapped in a hurry!!


    The old saying that Chinese women are subservient is not true. Actually it is quite the opposite. YOU will be the servant.


    Doing all that you can possibly do is not enough!!!


    When she gets angry with you, you are better off keeping your mouth shut. The more fuel you add to the fire, the bigger the fire gets. I have found that acting like a dog works to keep the fire to a minimum. When she scolds you, then say you are sorry and back off. When she retains her composure then you need to come with your tail wagging and a big smile on your face.


    These are only a few things that I can think of. Not sure if all Jiangxi women are the same but just in case.............. :lol:


    Brother is that the truth or what!?! :lol: Are yours and my wife twins? I have learned that the arguments are just arguments and I shouldn't take them so seriously as a measure of how our relationship is going. She says, "Argue is argue. Emotion is emotion. "Huan nan yu gong." (Through thick and thin.)" :pash:

  2. Yeah, I looked up on the web the list of area consulates in the US. (http://www.visarite.com/chnConsulate.htm) Then went to the web and typed in "chinese connsulate" and found (http://houston.china-consulate.org/eng/) They explained that each consulate has an territory of states that they cover. You can't even contact them by mail, that they prefer that you use a service to do business with them. You were lucky! We are using a service (VisaRite). Approx. $83. Takes @ 14 - 21 days. Anybody ever use them before and if so, how did you like them?

  3. Ron, I think you two are an outstanding couple! Overcome is just that in your case. Overcome! Overcome the harshness of an unhappy official with his job. Overcome the dissappointment of getting a blueslip. Overcome the adversity of collecting more info than you should have to. Overcome the mixture of emotions and doubt that can overwhelm a couple's commitment. Overcome whatever is thrown at you to ultimately get a your pink slip and visa. :D You both deserve each other because you forged on and did what you had to be together. Soon, you will live happily everafter. I am proud to read your post on your interview. It is heartlifting to see and will inspire other couples to keep going no matter what. True Love will prevail. Just look at rlheim Rick. I have no doubts that Chilton Charles will eventually be reunited with his SO also.


    Thanks for sharing that peice. I too will post our saga as soon as Juan is able to send me email.



  4. Yang Jiahua is the best!


    Yangjiahua and his wife are the most outstanding people in this world! They go all out for your business. I truly believe that they do everything that they can to help others that stay at their hotel because they love what they do! Thay also love helping people during these times of confusion for us that seem lost in Guangzhou trying to get our SO's visas. If you have a question about the visa process, he has tons of answers. You have problems with your paperwork, he has experience in finding what you need. Not sure about how organized your papers are, he'll help you read over them to make sure they are.


    WOW!!! I give him and his wife and their hotel service (from 1 - 10) a 15!!


    What other hotel loans you a cell phone? He deffinetly has my respect and gratitude forever. I highly, HIGHLY recommend his hotel for the stay while SO has the interview. My Yajuan and I thank him and his wife very very much for all their help that they gave us. I truly believe that they were a big part in our visa success. So much great advice they have.


    Xiexie ni, Yang jiahua!!! Xiexie ni bangzhu women he qianju yimin qianzheng wumian!! Women feichang xiexie nimen dou!!


    Jimmy and Yajuan


    P.S. Oh by the way, we passed May 24, 2007!!!!

  5. Yangjiahua and his wife are the most outstanding people in this world! They go all out for your business. I truly believe that they do everything that they can to help others that stay at their hotel because they love what they do! Thay also love helping people during these times of confusion for us that seem lost in Guangzhou trying to get our SO's visas. If you have a question about the visa process, he has tons of answers. You have problems with your paperwork, he has experience in finding what you need. Not sure about how organized your papers are, he'll help you read over them to make sure they are.


    WOW!!! I give him and his wife and their hotel service (from 1 - 10) a 15!!


    What other hotel loans you a cell phone? He deffinetly has my respect and gratitude forever. I highly, HIGHLY recommend his hotel for the stay while SO has the interview. My Yajuan and I thank him and his wife very very much for all their help that they gave us. I truly believe that they were a big part in our visa success. So much great advice they have.


    Xiexie ni, Yang jiahua!!! Xiexie ni bangzhu women he qianju yimin qianzheng wumian!! Women feichang xiexie nimen dou!!


    Jimmy and Yajuan

  6. Good luck, Jimmy. Hope everything works out for you and JuanJuan. BTW, it was great chatting with you at ACH and in the coffee shop at GUZ. I'm just sorry I didn't get to meet your SO. Maybe Lao Po and I will get the chance when she is there in Miss. Take care and don't be a stranger.



    Hi Jim! Yeah, it was great talking and laughing with you too at the "Sit and Wait" coffee shop. <_< I would like to get together with you to and my SO one day when they arrive here. We could meet somewhere or do something. We'll get it all together then. Thanks buddy.

  7. Jim I really wish you the best and I have my fingers crossed for you. Sometimes it doesn't seem fair to some of us what we have to go through but it does indeed make our relationships much stronger. (please note that GZ does not get credit for this)


    Thanks Charles! Your right about GUZ in not really knowing. I wish they could just send someone out to spend time with us on a personal level so that they could see just how true of a relationship we have with our SOs. Alas, after all we do live in the "most free" country in the world...... <_< don't we? Hard to swallow when we are told "NO!" or that we can't do what we wish most with all our hearts. But, yes! I do think that our relationships become much stronger when we dedicate ourselves to each other with ou SOs..."huan nan yu gong".

  8. I know Colorado is not always welcoming of Texans, but I certainly wish you all the best on the overcome. Good luck!


    As aye,





    Thanks Jim. Actually from Mississippi. I just use the name "Colorado" because it is the most beautiful place I've ever been, (besides China). I am very fond of Colorado because of all the adventures I've had there, the camping sites, the rock climbing, the clear skies and water .... some well missed Jeep parts there..... :angry:

  9. Sorry I haven't posted in a while. I was a little down after the first blue slip (March 28 2007) and have been so busy with chinese, pinyin and "hanci" lessons (all self taught) and getting more requested documents together for my JuanJuan that I have little time for much else. I do come and read alot though and posting to those others who have successful visas. "Sigh!"


    Well, My JuanJuan had her 2nd interview (overcome) Tuesday May 22nd. She turned in the requested documents and now we are waiting. She was told that she would have to come back on Thursday to receive the results. Her appointment is at 2:30 pm there. So I should hear something from her about the time that I awake here Thursday am. We are both very "jinzhang" now. We have waited and she has done a spectacular job of tracking down her ex. with the help of her father. She took a train to Huanghua to get his work records, housing records, temp. ID card (for work and is different from his hukou which is their old address.), police station proof of ID and housing records, a statement from his company stating he actually had lived and worked there 2 years prior to their divorce and they pay for his residence, and all this notorized! She had to take a train from Shenyang to Huanghua (12 hours each way and back) and then hop on another train to Guangzhou 5 days later (28 hour ride). I ask, is that deligence or what?! She ought to be a PI or a bounty hunter.


    Well anyway, we are now waiting. I truly hope that we will pass this time. If not, I know she will absolutely be crushed! I will too!


    Hoping for some encouraging thoughts, words, and even though I'm not religious, prayers! I have seen so many others have happy outcomes and I am so very "xingfu" for them. I just hope that our time has come also.


    When I read rlheim's (Rick and Yanlan) great news, I began to have hope. They are the one's that have had it the roughest along with Chilton747 (Charles). I really do hope all can have success as quickly as possible.


    Thanks for reading and any "shufu" words you may have.



  10. The silk worms were pretty good. 1 SW = 4 eggs in protien content. Ate 12 before I moved on to next dish.


    Horse stomach. :P :eatyum: Oh yeah baby! A little spicy but Haochi!!!


    Grilled Kidney. Great with pijiu


    The "complete" chicken soup was good. Including the head.


    Fish eyes........tried it, moving on.


    Snails. Yep, but the small ones. I think I was still hungry after eating 100 of them. Spent more time and energy trying to get them out of the shell than they were providing me.


    Fried Shrimp. The "whole" thing.


    Squid on a stick. Yummy!! :licklips: Grilled and tentacles flailing.


    I think it's spelled- Yueyian? The big spiky stinky fruit??? That was the nastiest tasting thing I tried. Asians just love it. It's expensive they say, I wouldn't give a clump of dirt for it. Yuk!!!


    Clams :licklips: , Wasabi :yikes: , Pijiu :beer: , and SO's good family with a sense of humor. No matter if you can't speak each other's language! Just try it it with your mouth closed and let the laughter begin! :roller:

  11. My Chinese SO likes small thin towels (face or bath). I like thick large towels. She has a hard time finding ones here in USA. Does your Chinese SOs like small thin towels? Maybe it is a Chinese thing?

    The thin towels, yes! And the more it sheds the better. :P I tried to get her to let me buy one that is in better shape but she is set on using that one until it disappears in her hands one day. My hair brush was covered in that stupid towel's lent. B) She's in for a big surprise when she comes here to see all of my Big, Fluffy, Bear Fur (thick) towels. :P In Meiguo, "The bigger the better!" :drunk:

  12. Seeing how I have this endless wait in front of me I like to think up stuff to worry about. It is kind of like my hobby. I should really take up smoking

    My ponderings have produced the following:


    I wonder how well the mixed kids are accepted in China and America?

    I wonder how chinese view second or third generation Chinese.


    I am very surprised to read some of the message boards with Chinese Americans having a hard time with there people mixing with others.

    I understand it of course(because so do whites) but it is just so different when actually over in China and they seem so supportive of it(kind of happy).

    Makes me wonder how the Chinese really view me

    Makes me wonder about mixed white/chinese kids being accepted.

    Maybe this thing goes over better in China than America.


    After talking to a Chinese american lady that had moved over here 12 years ago. I get this feeling even she is thinking, why do you travel all the way over there when there is a Chinese American lady right here in front of you.

    I have noticed that a great deal of asian women in the US who were on match.com desired a man making 100,000+ and have at least a 6 yr degree. . There are asian women here in my area but meeting someone suitable is very hard. You just don't move in the same social circle



    This is what I have seen also. The asian women here looking for American men want them to be financially doing well. It's not a bad thing, but those women are the ones who are just looking for the same thing that they were looking for in asia... financial stability over everything else.

  13. Those translation programs can do some pretty weird interpretations. To test a program translate something then do it again back to the original language. See how close it gets.



    Yeah, I hear you!!!! Does anyone remember my "good news, bad news" post??? Used a translator online and got what I paid for (free) !!!! I almost blew up a a great relationship!!! If it wasn't for my Chinese aunt that I emailed a copy to, I would have blown off my SO after she sent me an email in Chinese by mistake and I tried to translate it by an online translator!! So, watch out!!! There are a few members here that can help lead you to some good ones. So take their advice seriously, even if you have to pay. It will be far more worth the money spent now than a Love lost later.



  14. Well, if anyone is going to be in the Atlanta area, the "2007 Chinese New Year Spectacular" will be on Feb. 20. It is a big event at the civic center and there is a big gathering at the Chinese market. Here are a couple of links to browse through:






    If anyone is going, let me know and I'll try to catch up with you. :(



  15. My SO is still in China, but I was thinking about when we have our first difference or first little spat. Can I expect the silent treatment? I can be pretty stubborn sometimes. B) Do flowers work or maybey chocolates or maybe crawling on hands and knees? :whip: :ranting: <_< :coolthumb:


    My Juan and I had a couple already, but it was just because of our misunderstandings of each other and our cultural difference. I think that (from my experience) you can expect her to say what's on her mind. The term "brutally honest" means just that, she'll tell you what she thinks first and then give you silent treatment. You just have to keep a cool head and talk sense, but make it so that she understands that the tift is just about misunderstandings and that you both have to look at it from the other's point of view. Just be willing to discuss whatever it is. From what I have understood, in China the man would make a decision and that would be that. If you let her know that you are willing to discuss her point of view as well, she will know that you are treating her as an equal. Something not acceptable in China, although it is beginning to change somewhat. After all our SOs are also looking for better treatment here also among other things, like your love for her. Your willingness to understand what she wishes will go a long way to preventing MUs. Oh, and flowers don't hurt either, but skip the chocolates. Most Chinese don't like sweets that much. Groveling only makes you look weak in their eyes.

  16. Chinese New Year and Spring Festival are almost upon us. <_< :coolthumb: :whip: :ranting: Who is going to visit in China during this time, and who is going to celebrate here in the US and what city. Me I am going to visit my Chinese Aunt who lives in the Atlanta area. There is a BIG festival event going on there and it will be my first time to see some of the activities. I have been to the big Chinese market there and I bought a bunch of things from there. I just wish that I could have gone to the real thing in China. B)

  17. http://www.bangstar.com/mandarin/dictionary.htm


    Found this site today.


    It gives you:

    English word / Mandarin Pinyin spelling / English Pronunciation


    Awesome! I have been using 3 other programs and one of them vocalizes the word so you can hear it, but it is only in a females voice. I can't/don't like hitting the fourth tone marker she does. Makes me sound funny. These 2 are a free lookup dictionary:






    This one is a pay site with the voice and lessons:



  18. I read a topic last year about how the immigration of Chinese women to other countries for marriage was increasing. But also that Chinese men were seeking brides from Vietnam and Korea. Many of these Vietnamese and Korean women consider China as a nation of wealth compared to their own and have much more in common socially with the Chinese than they would have with Westerners including Americans. I also read that (beleive it or not) that America was only 3rd or 4th on the list of Chinese women immigrating for marriage puposes. Korea and Japan was the country of choice for them. many chinese women just beleived that America was just too dangerous to live in. I'll try to find that report and then post a link.



  19. "Always be prepared" as learned in the boyscouts. If they ask then you'll have it. No need in giving more than you have to. Its like I wrote in another post, "If you give them to MUCH they will think you are trying to HIDE something." Just like playing poker, don't show your cards until you have to, but by all means don't try and bluff. :blink:



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