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Zhou Zhou

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Posts posted by Zhou Zhou

  1. Back when lao po and I were courting we use Yahoo messaging along with having our web cams running. One day we chatted while she was riding the long distance bus from Xiamen to Fuzhou and I was here in the US. It was like she was at home, the web cam worked great and I even captured pictures of her on the bus with her laptop. Amazing!


    While I am not into western restaurants (my girl says I have a Chinese stomach), I will check out at least one Italian one there though, I am so looking forward into vacationing in Xiamen.

    The one to eat at...right around corner from coffee shop is "Tuto Bene". They have "Erdlinger Beer" as well. Good food, been there a 100 years. The place next to it, forgot the name....caters' more to wine tasting...food is Ma Ma Hu Hu, and expensive.

    YES! I remember that restaurant and just couldn't remember the name. Moma mia, that's the place to go for Italian. :doorscared:

  3. We did the tourista thing in 2009 and then caught the train to Llasa, 34 hours of fantastic scenery. We walked around Xi'an and happened on a big dumpling restaurant. They bragged a different/special vegetable that they used in their vegetarian dumpling...delicious and memorable. I agree that it takes more than a couple days to see this interesting old city...we have wished that we stayed there rather than, Llasa.

  4. Sounds like a leisurely vacation and I'm sure you'll do some freelancing once there. The Piano Museum is on the island of Gulangyu, so you can check it out on day 2. We took a bus tour when we visited Tulou. It was a beautiful ride through banana plantations, over bamboo covered hills stopping in a small town for a (typical) very good lunch. We spent several hours touring the interesting Tulou buildings and arrived home to Xiamen just after dark. We had a pit stop at a gas station where a woman sold me a 2 week supply of bananas for 75 cents...they were delicious and surprisingly the were good for a week, maybe more. Lao po, always says that Chinese bananas hold much longer. What do you think?

  5. I was on a city bus in Chengdu and missed my landmark where I had to get off. As we got to the end of the route a pretty young lady asked if she could help, in English. A lifesaver, she told the driver where I wanted to go and he flagged down the bus coming in the other direction and told him...I scurried over and got on and was dropped at my destination...No Charge!

  6. ChunMei are waiting ultil next year for the Guangzhou/Nanning route. We've ridden that trip on the conventional China Rail train a number of times, and I for one would like to see the countryside when it's daylight.

    I agree a day train is a good way to be a tourist...that's me. I've been told by many to fly from the US to Shanghai (Pudong) but I just dread the ride from there to the little local airport. I've used it before and it's very nice and less congested, but getting there seems a challenge. Any experiences are welcome.

  7. Interesting history...during that time President Eisenhower attached himself to Truman's plan of the selection of ten mainland cities to bomb should the US choose war. The old artillery base is still there on the coast of Xiamen from where the shelling of Quemoy (Kinmen) was carried out. When you visit Hulishan you may find a shop run by Taiwanese that sell good quality knives and other tourist stuff. The knives are made from projectiles recovered and the steel is excellent.(60 are made from one projectile) We bought one and a paring knife for $14 and we love them. They hold an edge, feel good and are a pleasure to use. You'll also find many businesses in Xiamen owned by Taiwanese living there, like in other parts of the country.

  8. When I was last in Gulangyu (2007) there was one old hotel overlooking the beach that I liked and it was 200 yuan then...there are many other hotels on the island. It's a places to take your time and stroll around and if you get tired you can hop on one of the golf carts that are available to take you where you want to go. Very near the ferry dock in Xiamen a street market begins. There are some bargains but not like what I've found in other cities. Also you may see the Pizza Hut at the top of a hotel. Across the street from there is the Lu Giang Hotel with an open balcony restaurant on the top floor. It overlooks the harbor and waterside park. The food is delicious and reasonable but the hotel rooms ain't...they're expensive. Do you remember the history or Quemoy and Matzu Islands? ZZ

  9. Tai Tai said that's a good deal and looks like nice place, but the Y98 is a very small room. It's not far from the train station and about a 25 minute walk to the Gulangyu Ferry. But if you are taking a cooler it may be wise to taxi there...or the good ol' #2 stops there. Also there is a tour boat that goes around the island and goes out and stops at Quemoy so the Yankees and Mainlanders can take pictures from a distance.

  10. Xiamen, is one of my favorite cities. Tai Tai, lived there for years and it's where we met. Very clean very up-scale city. Hop on the #2 bus and you can tour the city for 1 yuan...Gulangyu, is a good place to stay for a couple nights. The old guns and fort at Hu Li Shan. There's several temples with good groceries and a newly built on atop a big hill. A side trip south would be to the area of Tulou to see the 700 year old round communal homes. Now when we return it's to Fuzhou, which I don't recommend. Have a great trip! ZZ

  11. I am very concerned about, "what if" I bought the farm without giving Tai Tai a heads up. As far as discussing the "what if" it ain't happening, she won't talk about death, no way, nada. I've showed her where emergency cash is kept, so I visualize her cremating my dead ass and flying home and leaving all she has a right to behind. I think I need an honest Chinese speaking attorney that I can trust here in the US. Any suggestions on breaking down the superstition wall? ZZ

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