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  1. My case is a K1 visa, what about your case, "brli"?
  2. This sounds to be a K# case and not a CR# case as the OP is posting about. NVC has always sent ALL cases electronically; but for CR#, they required the physical file in hand before starting anything; not sure if this was because of the optional K3 or what. But that they appear to be possibly sending the materials now electronically is good, but does not yet show what this means for timeliness. Historically, the CR# were discriminated against... so it may be about time they get their due reward for those willing to pursue it. And this was posted already by others.. but we do need members to continuous post their experiences and observations. My case is a K1 visa, what about your case, "brli"?
  3. My file was approved by USCIS on April 9th, sent electronically by NVC on April 14th and file sent to GUZ on April 20th. My financee received a P3 on May 15th. I called the state department they told me that P3 was sent on May 11th and that the process has changed. They are trying to have P3 sent by one month from date electronic file is sent by NVC, they also indicated that they were trying to reduce the normal time for interview of 6-8 weeks after P3 receipt. Based on DHL tracking I believe my hard file is still in customs delay. This process change makes sense since the consulate will have the hard file before interview and there is no apparent reason to have the hard file before sending the P3.
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